1 Thessalonians 5:11: "Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as you are doing."

Our Mission:
W.I.F.E is the umbrella under which all service, fellowship, and empowerment initiatives will operate and function. It is a vision divinely inspired and taking claim upon Founder Dannet Taylor-Mitchell's life. W.I.F.E seeks to encourage, empower, equip, and engage women in their journey to embrace biblical womanhood.

W.I.F.E will offer women fellowship and encouragement, empowering them to see their life experiences through the lens of the Gospel.

Our Community Outreach will focus on Mentoring, Scholarship, and Awareness. W.I.F.E. seeks to be a change agent in our community by facilitating and participating in activities that encourage fellowship and opportunities for women, families, and communities to grow in faith.

What does the acronym W.I.F.E. mean?

Many women ask: "Is this a group for only married women? 

The answer: NO

Some ask? What if I'm not a woman of faith? Can I still fellowship? 

The answer: YES 

Others are concerned about: "I'm divorced, I'm an older woman, I'm in a different stage of life, and do I have to belong to a church?" 

The answer to all these questions is NO! NO! NO!
  • W.I.F.E is not a church-affiliated "women's ministry," nor do we want to replace your local church's women's ministry. It is not for married women only or an exclusive group of women.
  • W.I.F.E (Women in Fellowship and Encouragement) is characterized by a diverse group of women who come together on many occasions with these key motives: to be engaged, encouraged, equipped, and empowered. Looking around, we can see that the traditional ways of women's groups have hit and missed many women. In addition, teaching that refocuses women's hearts to love and know God as their divine destiny is lacking.
Realistically, it is hard to please all. However, W.I.F.E seeks to support women of all stages and from all walks of life, coming together and walking through life together through the testimonies of their life stories and experiences. Some have renewed their vision, gained a more robust perspective on family and life, built trust in sisterhood, and ultimately desired a more vigorous walk in faith.

In our seventeen-year history, W.I.F.E has seen lives transformed by applying a transparent and accountable life. Friendships are forged to stand in the seasons of life.

Is Women in Fellowship and Encouragement for you?

  • I need biblical fellowship and accountability in my relationships
  • The distance between Sundays is too long
  • I don’t get a chance to go to Bible study
  • I am in search of a church home…until I find one, I need a fellowship
  • I require prayerful support/encouragement
  • My work and family have me frazzled, and life's demands are crowding in, and I am overwhelmed.

If one/ a few of the above describes you, then join us for:
---A small group gathering designed to encourage biblical fellowship. We will fellowship, read, discuss “God-centered” and relevant material, and make new acquaintances. There are no experts here, only people in free exchange. The setting is comfortable and relaxing!

When does W.I.F.E. gather?  2024 Dates are PENDING!

We believe that fellowship with each other is vital to walking in the WAY-- in TRUTH and LIGHT, with grace and joy!

Join us for our gathering as we continue to walk on the Way—the Way of Christ Jesus. As we do, we are looking to build better relationships through Accountability and Transparency. Our monthly gatherings are, therefore, called N.O.T.E4—Nights of Transparency, Engagement, Encouragement, Equipping, and Empowerment.

Join us as we gather around good food, like stories and moments, feast on the Word, and apply it to our lives through prayer and faith. 

Yours in Ministry,

Team Engagement, W.I.F.E. Ministry

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