Through the valley or stormy gale | God is Faithful


Sojourner, we are so blessed to serve you by coming alongside the many women who God brings to the intersections of life whether it be for a season, or a lifetime. Being able to speak life through the power of the Holy Spirit by sharing the truth of the gospel is not easy task or should be taken lightly, we count it a privilege and a joy.

But sisters, there are seasons when even the encourager and equipper needs to be refreshed through rest and reclining intensionally. Allowing God margin in our lives to develop, restore, replenship and prepare us for the season ahead, which, we know, will have its own trials and tests as well as its joys.  

Beloved when life's cycle of events bring to bear trials and test, submit to God's care. DO NOT PUSH THE 'SUPERWOMAN' button. It's okay to completely move to Rest and Recline mode. There's so much to share about the benefits of Resting in and Reclining with Jesus, but there'll be another post on the topic; however, for now, know it's key in finding wisdom, direction, care for the soul and strength to keep running the relay of faith.

It's been of the greatest benefit to stop ✋️,  acknowledge the trial, feel all the feels, surrender to the fact that humanily we had no power change or right the wrong being experienced and to wholly turn everything over to the Father. 

No doubt, it is a challenge in any seaosn to just abruptly stop being the problem solver  we've been all your life, the solution or the answer to someone's prayer; yet, that's not our only design feature or destiny. While we are called to live covenantly, helping and serving; caring and giving, we /I cannot keep adding  'super' to the roles played in life --mom, friend, wife, sister , leader etc.

Appropriately and reasonably resting and reclining in God presence is a must in every season. It's the best way to recalibrated, reorient and realign ourselves to the source of our strength.

Unfortunately though, push through thebseasons and stages of life, with minimal rest, recline or realignment. We just power through! I can be very guilty of this mindset, "I'll power through".

But there's nothing life a good tsunami trial, that knocks you on the tush, to get your in the mood for a decent rest. For some of us, the tests and trial of life is the school through which our loving Father and teacher, reminds us to rest in him as he invites us to recline at table with him for a while. 

The last few months, almost a year now by the time many if you read this post, has been just that, a knock to the tush position. A trial too big for us handle, but certainly the right size, dimensions for God. And step in he did.

Our precious Jesus gently pulled us out of life's busy highway and led us to refreshing springs and green meadows of his grace in order to help us to begin making sense of the trail, lean into him for wisdom and strength to navigate the path,  and to feast on the truth of his unfailing love and care to keep us as trusted and walked in in grace and joy.

To be honest, I'm prone to add 'super' to every role I play... because I am proud and desire to do everything in excellence.  Yet, even as well intended at these character traits are, they cannot supercede the will of God or override our need for his care. We are designed to trust and rely on a superb God- all knowing, all powerful, all wise, ever present, faithful,  enduring,  long-suffering and kind. It's when we are weak- at our weakest, that we get to see and experience our super powerful God's presence and peace, comfort and care as he carries us through the deepest valley and the tumultuous storms of life.

Sisters, we are still here. While this main story has a few mini stories within; we will attest God's faithfulness is unstoppable and unmovable. His love is real. Keep us in your prayers as we keep you in ours. We recognize,  life is expeditiously moving  along for us all, and there are variables along the journey that we wouldn't have written into the plot if we had control of the pen; however, when we consider the author of our faith we count it all joy sisters when varying tests and trails come, for we know the author of our Story intends to write chapters that will expand our capacity to endure and preserve. He will have our character well developed, complete and perfect in him. He will have it no other way. These trials shapes us into the image of Christ.

Dearhearts, as I close, keep looking to Jesus, the author and finisher of your faith story, cling to the Spirit's leading and guidance as he burns your hearts and conscience with truth, and run to the Father every change you get. In Jesus Name. Amen.


The encourager.

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