Resources I Can't put down | Read and read for Spiritual Formation


Every season, as I consider what should I add to my repertoire of resources to reinforce, encourage and equip my faith, I seems to always come back to a few favorites, A Praying Church, same author as A Praying Life. Paul Miller just gets the need and urgency for Prayer right, and his ability to draw us near through real life stories and testimonies of effectual fervent prayers creates a hunger to reconnect with the God of heaven, who answers prayers and desires to communicate with his children in this holy and sacred virtue. 

One of the most misunderstood books of the bible is Revelation; though, whether you've been a Christian for a week or a while, perhaps a scholar of scripture it's many illusions and magnificent description of the last days and heaven leaves us all with more questions than answers. Nancy Guthrie's, Blessed (not pictured here) is just the book to demystify the mystery of Revelation for every Christian girl I know. Check out her podcast on Spotify to listen into scholars and theologians for a study of revelation. 

Aging with Grace, Sharon Betters & Susan Hunt, keeps blowing my mind with timeless truth of the gospel and promises that of God's hesed1 love for his daughters as we age.  The older I get, and with the changing of seasons , I am more interested in the long view of the gospel and how I so desire to continue to run the race set before with grace and in truth, as strands of grey hair surface, my body matures and show signs that seems to gentle remind me of my mother's face as she ages and has transitioned from younger woman to grandma of five (5) and great grandma of one (1). I am longing to fulfil my destiny and leave a legacy of faith and love to my children and grandchildren, even as my joints begin to tell their own achy stories and the contours of my eyes tell I'm no longer in my twenties. Aging with grace is helping me to realize that God still has a plan for us in old age; in fact, it's the plan he's always had and it's a glorious plan for us older ladies to desire as our homes get emptier, our hands are more free from daily chores and tending to younger children. God still has a none expiring plan to see us shine forth in old (er) age, he still wants to use us to be his hands and feet in our homes, ministry and among our neighbors.  This book is a refreshing clap back at the anti-aging culture that Christian women are often wooed into imitating.  An hard copy read, and for extra measure of reinforcement, get the audible for when you're on the move. 

During the early days of Spring, my women's ministry at church2 embarked on the enterprising journey of exploring the grand narrative of scripture via one of the most well-written devotionals I've been privileged to engage and be encouraged byFrom Beginning to Forever , by Elizabeth Woodson. This is an absolute must for sisters who are longing for a clear path to studying the Bible, without fatigued or boredom due to feelings of insufficiency to understand or grasp the wondrous deeds and love of God canonized in 67 chapters of the Bible.  

New to my list of must reads for the end of summer through the Fall, are two (2) earthy, yet profoundly soul-filling project both categorized as self-help books, yet both from their specific perspective, packs powerful truths to their readers. As such, the summer run-away sensation, that's blazing up the shelves in bookstores all over the country, and landing in the hands of Christian women is no other than Church Girl, by Sarita Lyons, this is the book every Black Church Girl and her friends must read, employ its truths and obey the action call to return to the local church, which Christ calls his bride, and build for the glory of God.  The other summer slam, is the right now motivation and encouragement for those who doubt "they have the stuff" to fulfill their destiny or lack the confidence to invest in their vision and plan because they are the consummate team player always waiting for someone else to give them permission to shine, Pick yourself for Success, by Rodney Goldston, guides readers through a labyrinth of self doubt, to a healthy path of being more than a team player, but a leader and champion of your destiny and destination.

1 Hesed is the Hebrew word often translated as " loving-kindness," "grace," "mercy,"  or "love."

2 church, that is, Risen Hope Church, Prospect Park, PA


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