This week, as we turn our eyes on the second theme of Advent- PEACE, let us continue to not just read our devotional, pray and move forward.  Rather, let's continue  to do some heavy lifting and a deeper investigation on the theme of PEACE.  

Here are a few pointers to help us all week:
  1. Asking, what's PEACE (defined); 
  2. What's the difference between worldly peace and biblical peace, as directed by the scripture. 
  3. What's the Source of Peace. (Let your head and heart meditate on the source of true Peace, and how to access such peace in the midst of chaos , confusion and uncertainty.)
  4. Challenge your head and heart to consider,  How Do We Live Out a life of Peace 
  5. and last but not least , What are the Barriers to peace and how do we navigate them.

As we wait, we can pray like the people of Israel did as they journeyed to the temple. (READ THE PSALMS OF ASCENT 120-134). Particularly, SEE 122, this psalm reminds us to pray for the various communities of God’s people today. We lift one another up, praying for prosperity, peace, and security. We can rest in His peace no matter what we face or what is happening around us because He will keep His promise. He will redeem, restore, and repair all that has been lost. May we have peace as we wait for Him.


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