Happy New Year Sojourner Sisters

Dear Sojourner sisters, it's the close of another amazing year of walking this journey together. The path of 2023 was challenging and not straightforward; in fact, it had quite a bit of bumps in the road, detours, and re-centering for many of us.  However, if we take good inventory, we'll see that God was with us the entire way - he has not left our side.  Glory, honor, and praise to our God. He has done a marvelous thing for us.

As a matter of fact, it's only because of God's goodness that many have made it to this point in the journey. Dear sisters, certainly the journey has been hard, but I hope you've been able to persevere and endure to the end because you've chosen to trust God no matter what.  Our God is trustworthy, faithful, and steadfast in mercy and love. I pray that no matter what the challenges were in 2023, you can clearly see  God's sovereign hand, you've experienced his peace and you're walking in his joy and love.  

I am praying that God's sufficient grace will meet every deficit in your life as the New Year (2024) begins, and as you press forward to a higher call and mark in Christ Jesus, I pray for your refreshing and renewal in mind-body and spirit dear one. I pray that whatever has been denied, stolen, lost, or forgotten, will be restored one hundredfold according to God's power and will. May he restore Shalom in your life, water your soul, and open your eyes and heart to see him anew - glorious, on your side and a good -good Father.

May the open gate of this New Year usher in closeness with your heavenly Father, like you've not experienced in years past. May your hunger and thirst be for the King and his kingdom and may you desire to live in harmony and wholeness with God's perfect plan for you and his glory. Amen.

Sisters, as I've prayed for you, please remember to pray for God's Kingdom and his people- the remnant of the covenant. 

Pray for the church (God's Bride)
Pray for the persecuted church,
Pray for peace in Ukraine and Israel,
Pray for the lost sheep who desire nothing of God's Kingdom,
Pray the Gospel reaches the ends of the world and people from all nations and tongues would respond to the gospel invitation to follow Christ.
Pray for our children, schools, local municipalities  and government.
Pray for your neighbors, friends and family.
Pray for the sick and lame.
Pray that Jesus would come soon. 


Thank you for praying.

Happy New Year. Stay Safe and Blessed.



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