LENT 2022 | He's is Our Reason to Live : Christ Died-Rose-Lives


Lent is only 6 days away, how will you observe the richness of the season? 

From March 2- April 16,2022 ( in the Western Christian church),  this sacred Christian church tradition observed across various denomination lines will utilize the upcoming 40 days between Ash Wednesday and Holy Saturday ( the day before Easter) to remember, be in awe of, humbly submit to, celebrate, and honor the work of Christ Jesus at the Cross. This observation is an intentional posture taken by followers of Christ Jesus.

A brief outline :

The last week of Lent, traditionally called Holy Week, kicks off with Palm Sunday on Sunday, April 10, 2022. 

  1. The week also includes Holy Wednesday (which acknowledges Judas’ plan to deceive Jesus)
  2. Maundy Thursday ( Jesus's last supper) 
  3. Good Friday (the day Christians remember the crucification of our Lord). 
  4. Holy Week ends on Easter Sunday, April 17, 2022, when Christians acknowledge that Jesus rose from his tomb.

Beloved, their many resources, activities, and plans that are usually available to help us enrich our "awe" and "delight" in the marvelous works of God, through his Son in this season. We encourage you to take full advantage of these resources (here on our site) or references from your church and community. Find something that will stir your heart's affections for the reason you have HOPE and live abundantly, that is, Jesus Christ.

Each year, we encourage our friends- sojourner sisters to recall again the truths of Cross and to live in its reflection and radiance. Lent is not a time to get caught up in Fasting fads and trends or Dress you Best for Easter Sunday contests. It's not even about the pastel-colored eggs and bunny rabbits that adoringly invite us into Easter Egg hunts and things. Certainly, it is not about the ham and all the good eats we'll all slave over to present at our Easter gatherings. While all these things are lovely and a sweet way to celebrate our JOY in the season, all these accessories, with the truth about WHY we can gather, celebrate and fellowship leaves our heads, hearts, hands EMPTY !!  

The REASON for our HOPE is Jesus Christ who died a brutal death on a ROMAN CROSS over 2000 years ago as a demonstration of God's 'mad love' for you and me. This, bloody and radical act of love, mercy and grace was a picture to show us the depth and breadth of the extent of God's love for sinners. A picture to capture John 3:16.  So we wouldn't perish but have eternal life, HIS son perished.  Sisters, this should give us pause and break our hearts over and over again when we stop to ponder and contemplate how well we are loved by God and Christ. 

This reality doesn't stop at broken hearts though, it actually should supercharge our souls to better living- "to walk worthy" of our Lord, create in us gladden hearts that worship and adore our Savior, and triggers perpetual praise and thanksgiving to God who has given us a reason to live this life, not in mediocrity or defeat; but in victory. 

"Praise to God, who in Christ always leads us in the triumphal procession. (2 Corinthians 2:14a) . I believe God leads us in Christ's victory for our good and his glory; v14b states, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of him everywhere. Sisters, the Christ was victorious at the CROSS, and as we praise, worship, proclaim and testify that He Lives, and walk worthy of him, a sweet fragrance of our HOPE in HIM our victor, is spread everywhere. 

I pray this Lenten Season is the best you've ever observed in all your Christian years. I pray that the profundity of CROSS and the suffering of Christ for you, draw you closer to his nail-pierced hands and feet, and his bleeding side. I pray you will be reminded afresh that "sin" has a cost, and that wage is death. I pray you will praise and worship our Most high God for what he did for you at the Cross, and continues to accomplish through Christ's eternal intercession for you presently. I pray that you will pause long enough to silently and soberly observe the great and mighty, blood-stained Cross upon which our Savior dies. But don't stop there, get up Sister, and walk hurried to the TOMB, where he was laid and BEHOLD he is no longer there, for he has RISEN, and that is enough to sufficiently keep our eyes upon Him. Amen.


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