Confidence In Christ: He is with me in the "WHY" Moments of Life


1 John 5:14 - “And this is the confidence that we have toward him, that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us." 

I can honestly say that sometimes I wonder if he really hears me...

That question arises not because I don't know he is omniscient or my heart has not been comforted by the fact that he catches every tear that falls (Psalm 56:8) and is in control of everything (Colossians 1:17)

But yet still in the hard, white-knuckling, pin-dropping--quiet moments. When hopelessness seems to be an easier resolve. I wrestle with the ultimate question of "Well if you hear me, why aren't you doing anything about it?'' 

Why aren’t you parting the “Red Sea” that is in between me and “my joy”? Why aren’t you moving the mountains of pain and grief? Why must I have to WAIT

WHY me Lord? 

WHY did you call ME to this? 

And true to His nature and faithful promises, He does not LEAVE nor ever FORSAKE me (Deuteronomy 31:6). He waits with me—until I am done getting out the tantrum of emotions and feelings that I've been bottling up towards my life and trials. 

Then, in His Loving-Kindness and gentleness, He asks me a question–"WHY did you base your knowledge and trust that I HEAR YOU on the fact of whether or not I do something about it? "

This gentle questioning and reproach only allow for the raw truth of the scripture to illuminate and invade my heart. 

There was a very important part of 1 John 5:14 that I fear I missed. It doesn't say that I can have confidence in the fact that if I ask anything according to my will he will hear me, but rather it states that If I ask anything according to "his will" he will hear me.  

And with that knowledge and appropriate correction, in the middle of the storm that is raging inside my mind, I finally take a deep breath in (The soul is then filled with His love) and a deep exhale out (The weight of worry and fear flee).

For these two things can not and will not dwell or inhabit the same space together peacefully:

(1) The knowledge and perfection of God’s love and His will for us.

(2) The weight and burden of Fear. 

For the word of God clearly states in 1 John 4:18, "There is no fear in love; instead, perfect love drives out fear, because fear involves punishment. So the one who fears is not complete in love.” 

Truth: Our God Is Love and His Holy Spirit dwells inside of us because of His love, so fear has no choice but to flee, bow, and hide in His presence. 

Ladies, I want to be clear that I do not write this reflection to condemn or rebuke you for your past or present "WHY" moments before God, on the contrary, I write to call you back into his loving-kindness wherever you are on your journey with Him. I write to encourage you and empower a reflection on how you are positioning your prayers, hearts, and minds as you approach the throne of God. 

WHY? Because God is still parting Red Seas according to His power and will for your life! 

You see, the LORD parted the Red Sea that separated the people of Israel from physical safety, so they may learn to be more concerned for God's Glory rather than solely for their own relief (Exodus 14:1-4). For when they put their faith and trust in their one and only God, the word spoken to them by Moses in Exodus 14:14, which states "The Lord will fight for you, you have only to be silent”, came alive and they were covered in the grace of God despite the reality of their present enemy and challenge. 


And the same "REMEMBER" moment holds true to us as we position ourselves to better understand and pray with the knowledge of our chief end, which is to glorify God and to enjoy him forever. For God has created us good and in his own image, that is, in true righteousness and holiness; so that, we might truly know God (our savior and creator), love him with all our hearts, and live with him in eternal joy for his praises and glory alone (Adapted from Catechism Questions 1 & 2).

So, let us be careful and aware of any preconceived ideas of how we think god should move or work, lest we get caught in the many storms of fear and

worry this life may bring, without clear sight and understanding of Our God and His power.

May our hearts sing in every trial and challenge, as the psalmist did in Psalm 62:5-8:

"Rest in God alone, my soul, 

for my hope comes from him.

He alone is my rock and my salvation

my stronghold; I will not be shaken.

My salvation and glory depend on God,

 my strong rock.

My refuge is in God.

 Trust in him at all times, you people; 

pour out your hearts before him.

 God is our refuge."

Ladies, may you find comfort and clear confidence in his will for you this today!

He is not afraid of your "WHY" Moments!

For he is the God who does part all seas, move all mountains, and calm all storms.

BUT--He also allows for there to be godly suffering in order for you to grow in dependency on Him.

So, depend on Him alone...Your hope, rock, salvation, stronghold, and REFUGE!



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