In the bible restoration always means abundance; specifically the returning of something or someone to their original state. Through the redeeming work of Jesus Christ, both humanity and creation will eventually be restored.  What a glorious hope for the "what's to come/ not yet".

After the last 20 months, we've had, oh how our souls crave to be restored to an equilibrium of peace, joy, and hope.  To return to a place of abundant flourishing in mind- body and soul. The upending of many of our comforts, routines, expectations, and plans have left many run down and raggedy in mind- body and soul; hence this flourishing may seem elusive, if not impossible. While in some cases the pace of life seems to have come to a halt, and in others, time seemed to have been just speeding by; ultimately all this change has set in motion an imbalance in our day-to-day.  How many times in conversations with friends and family have you heard the lament of, "I don't even know what day this is, or we're in December already? " There is an unsettling for sure among us. 

Today, I want to deliver hope. The glorious promise for restoration is also a reality for the "now". Yesterday, we talked about resting in our Lord and trusting that HE has a wonderful plan for our lives. Today, as we continue to rest in God's sovereignty, laying down burdens and cares, giving to him our tired and weary mind and body; we can be assured of restoration in the soul. Our Lord is very committed to caring for his sheep, and as we follow him over life's terrain he nurtures and restores our souls as he takes us by streams of living water and green pastures. Christ in whom we trust is the Good Shepherd. He is wholly devoted to grooming and curing our achy bodies. His tender and gentle care nurse us back to health in our mind-body and soul.  Throughout biblical history, as God's people suffered calamity, oppression, exile, and persecution, God always spoke proclamations of restoration through his chosen leaders and prophets. He has always been faithful in encouraging his beloved, that in spite of their present and obvious hardships, some self-inflicted others God-ordained, he would restore his people and bring a remnant of the faithful out of their suffering and hardships. 

What can a believer on this side of the cross take from God's track record in the historical past? Well, for one, God never changes, he is the same yesterday, today, and forevermore. God will restore our raggedy and run-down state of being. He will bring about restoration in people, places, and things, it's a part of the redemptive story. God is still restoring his people. His mission has not changed. 

In spite of the pandemic, where we learned new words like Covid-19 (Coronavirus), antigens, PCR and so much more; not one of these things can thwart God's eternal plan. Yes, the last 20 months have been grave, scary, depressing, sad, upside down; but it's also afforded us many opportunities. The believer has had the opportunity to resist focusing on what we couldn't/can't do; but rather live in the freedom of what we could do. We have had the opportunity to lean into the arms of the Good Shepherd, allowing him to care for our souls. We have had and continue to have the opportunity to come to the Savior to be restored... not to our pre-pandemic state of busy toiling and striving, but to the state of when we first fell in love and committed ourselves to Jesus. This is the restoration that we need.  

Sisters, we need to be restored for sure, but not in the way the world is scrambling and screaming to restore. Our cry is to and for a  restored mindset that is found in Christ Jesus. 
Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, (6)who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, (7)but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. (8)And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross. (Phl 2:5-8)

      ... we must desire to be restored to humility, obedience, and submission to the will of God.
Our scrambling must be for the passion and energy to hasten to his throne; for there we find grace and mercy for our weary souls. God's definition of restoration, is grounded in his purpose, plan, and will. It leads us to productivity and his promises. Beloved this is abundance!

But how? 
Well, sheep need a shepherd and follow the shepherd's leading and care. Sheep is dependant upon the shepherd for nourishment, for he guides them into fertile lands and by streams of living waters. HE RESTORES life. (Ps. 23:3) and leads his sheep along the right path. We also experience God's abundance and promise to restore us by dwelling in the house. This is how we are restored to the right relationship with God and gain grace to align with those around us in peace. "You make known to me the path of life; in your presence, there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore." (Ps 16:11). 

As we turn the second to last page of 2021, I encourage you to move forward with the resolve to be continually restored by the grace and mercies of God by dwelling in his presence.  

David said, "One thing I ask from the Lord, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple. (5) For in the day of trouble he will keep me safe in his dwelling; he will hide me in the shelter of his sacred tent and set me high upon a rock."  Psalm. 27:4-5   

Beloved, this is how we get restored, we dwell in the house of the Lord not once in a while or when trouble strikes; but like David, we live God's presence. There the radiance of his glory and majesty shines on us. And in the day of calamity- pandemics, post-pandemic, war or social unrest, violence, loss, and despair, he hides us in the shelter of his sacred tent and sets us high on a rock.  Walk into the New Year confidently, God is restoring you, humanity, and nature even in the midst of a pandemic. The question is will you allow him to restore you in the way he sees fit? 


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