RESOLVE to REST| Looking forward

As we draw close to the Gate of the New Year (2022), many are tempted to resolve to do this or that... and our list of this and/or that can range from losing weight to walking in purpose, AND so much in between. The temptation to want to better oneself is not totally unreasonable or wrong. It is God's will that we grow from glory to glory, increasing in grace, wisdom, and truth!

Yet, if the temptation is grounded in the many pleas from culture to be better and to realize your best self within the vacuum of a worldly mindset construct' you'll end up right where you started on January 1, 2021. As a matter of fact, I know many folks who live in the cycle of perpetually making New Year's resolutions, and who barely scratch the surface of meeting that goal.
My question is, when will this potential to "self" better oneself be realized. Year after year, we proclaim statements such as:
"This will be my best year!"
"I am going to read scripture more, and grow in faith"
"I am going to lose weight"
"I will invest in a better relationship"
"I will save ($$)"
"I will pray more"..." join a bible study" ... and on and on ..."

Sisters, this is not to make fun of or ridicule any good-hearted resolution (s). It's not to invalidate your vision board (s) or usurp your plans!
Hear me clearly, we should have a vision-purpose and plan. These are noble and good things. God designed us with a purpose for his purposes. So it's in our divine DNA to be drawn to desiring a better self. However, this better self must and can only find its resolve in RESTING in God! His word tells us "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:6-7). This is the beginning of true REST beloved. We must intentionally resist the establishment of culture to influence our state of being; that is, subtly through commercials, social media, and the likes flood with an urgency to change or evolve at a rate set by trends and algorithms. The resistance begins with prayerfully bringing every care to God, who in eternity past has set his world on an eternal timetable with a rhythmic flow that brings about his purposes. In prayer, we can rest and find peace in knowing that wherever we are (status, strengths, and weaknesses, hopes, and dreams); God has us in the palm of his hands- his Sovereignty overall is eternal.

We are also charged in Matthew, 11:28 "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. Is it not this rest we all are longing for?

Rest from the tyranny of constantly trying to better ourselves through the means and energy of this world. Listen, another self-help book will not bring change; the only book that can do that is the Bible! Likewise, following the words of the most popular influencer will not speak life-transforming words, only God's word, spoken into your thirsty soul can bring life, change, and purpose. Hence, this is why our resolve must be to REST in the one who speaks words of life and has given us a whole book to read and recount his promises.

Resting in God, and his word requires us to stop the striving (Ps. 46:10) and know that HE IS GOD, he will be the only one exalted in our life. All our plans, desires for growth, and purpose can be cast on Him, who has made us thrive in HIM. He sent his son as a gift and promise to us, and in him and through Him, we have access to abundant life in God through Christ and by the Holy Spirit.

The question is, will we trust Him, and take courage and assurance that he wants to prosper us in mind-body and spirit? Will we rest in our God who knows and sees us right where we are (restless, unsatisfied, weary, and heavy-laden), and take heart that he desires to give us all of him? GOD can be trusted! REST in HIM!

So sisters, slow down, take some time over the next 3 days to prepare your mind-body-soul to resolve to be at REST.


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