It's that time of year again when you, me, and our many sisters feel the tension of vamped up the energy to hustle and rip and run like in no other season. Yup, you guessed it right, the holiday season is revving up.

...well, these days, we can't even catch our breaths.


Before New Year we see ads and enticements for Valentine, and before Valentine's Day ends we see Easter items and so on and so forth. I think I started seeing Thanksgiving before the end of summer, and now, Thanksgiving Day is not even here yet, and the stores are decked with Christmas.
You follow where am I going with this right? Certainly, if we do not intentionally aim at hope, peace, joy, and love, we too will be gobbled up in the tyranny of commercialism and the sensationalism of the holidays that often always dump us off in an empty feeling, purposeless New Year.

We are left asking the same questions:
What's my purpose, Lord?
Who am I?
What are you doing Lord?
... and all the other dead-end questions that quite frankly, are answered in the celebration, honoring, and focus on the Christ child, who embodied human flesh (EMMANUEL-God with us), who lived a sinless life, died on the Cross, and now rules and reigns as Lord, High Priest and King in heaven and our lives as believers!

Solution- Adopt an intentional practice such as Advent. Whether you choose any particular style or version of Advent; the point here is to CHOOSE the discipline of Silence and Solitude for the purpose of reflecting, honoring, learning, and celebrating Christ our Lord. It is deciding ahead of time to not be hurried, to not overspend ($$$), to not get so carried away with the buying and wrapping, and surprising and traveling that we forget to unwrap and unfold the greatest gift we've received and the benefits HE provides: sustained HOPE*PEACE*JOY*LOVE!

Click here to see ADVENT resources and ENCOURAGEMENT (


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