There's so much to treasure to mine from this verse issued by the Apostle Paul as he reminds his beloved brothers and sisters at the church of Philippi to practice the truths he has modeled before them- learned (he taught them the Gospel; received (the filling of the Holy Spirit) and seen (the signs and wonders of transformed lives).

My dears, what have you learned, received, and seen on your journey of faith? Who can you look to that's modeling faith that is faithful and consistent on the mountain or in the valley?

3 powerful practical yet anchoring action words to refuel our wandering, weariness, and wants - learned, received, and seen are to be modeled, copied, esteemed. Who has done this for them? Paul and his companions in the faith! He's saying copy us! This also suggests that when we are wandering, weary, or wanting, look up and out to someone (s) who may be an encouragement because they are modeling what they've learned, received, and seen.

Paul says practice what you've learned, received, and seen- don't be forgetful or dismissive; in practicing the good of the gospel, the faithfulness of other saints, by remembering you have the spirit of God with you... releases PEACE,  and not just any peace- the peace of God. 

The peace of God is a spiritual condition, that flows into every situation and gives a divine perspective that keeps you calm and collected. Sisters, seek to be more diligent to practice what you've learned, received, and seen of God and his wonderful deeds.

If you're struggling to recall or have given up on practicing the good, you've learned, received, or seen because life is hard; Please let us pray for you. Ask for prayer in the comments. We'd love to pray for you.


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