Whose Faith Are You Imitating | Hebrews 13: 7

Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the word of God. Consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith. (
Hebrew 13:7)

These days if you spend any time on social media or keep up with cultural trends, you will not be able to avoid the new descriptor -title, "Influencer".  Defined, an influencer is a person who influences another. In today's marketplace, there is a growing number of types of influencers. 

Certainly, there is no shortage of those folks trending by the second, and they are not afraid or even slightly timid about the degree to which they'll go to be an Influencer.  While these may also vary from platform to platform, their behaviors- what they are reading, wearing, eating, and where they are traveling to or saying can send ripples of change in seconds around the world because of the speed and reach of the interest. 

Followers, the people who are quick to imitate and emulate these influencers are adaptively quite quick in making the adjustments to the lifestyles. Sadly though, whether influencers are promoting a good message-product or not, they rarely care for the thousands or millions of followers who are spending their cash, time, put themselves at risk to follow or imitate them; rather, it's the likes, hearts, tags, and reposts that keep influencers at the top of respective leaders boards/trending that fuels this relationship.  It seems this phenomenon is quite curious. 

The power of these so call influencers, whether their messaging is related to fashion, activism, food, music, politics, culture ... seem to have a lot of power right? Well, here's the truth. We are all following (imitating) someone or thing. Whatever you call it, we are to some degree copying-initiating -following the behaviors of someone we believe is influential, in authority, and or a have reputation for knowledge and expertise on a specific topic. Don't believe me? Just take a quiet moment, and take inventory of your life and log from simple to major purchases and see how many were necessary versus those that were suggestions or recommendations. 

I've found that sometimes I'm initiating by suggestion or recommendation. For example, I'll use make-up as a simple example. Like many of us ladies, I like make-up (cosmetics) and the way it enhances my look, etc; but I've not committed to the process in any way. Some days I can use it and others I can leave it out of my routine. Certainly, I am not committed to the cost!  Nonetheless, I often find myself caught up in watching for the latest trends and celebrity suggestions on this topic. But, it doesn't stop there,  my purchase log reveals that these suggestions or unconscious initiation have led to buying a lot of make-up (cosmetics) that often are never worn or perhaps tried once. 

Shocked at my behavior? What did your evaluation of being influenced turn out? Sometimes it's not overt; in fact, while the impact of influencers can be sudden and immediate, their behavioral transferring in our lives can be slow and steady. 

I have said all that to say, no matter who you are or how low your potential is to be influenced, we are all being influenced by someone or thing and therefore initiating their behavior. Now, this is not necessarily a bad thing. There are influencers who are promoting ideas, facilitating discussions, advocating and speaking up for justice, climate change, the poor, education, family, and on and on. For sure we want to initiate these behaviors! Well, what about your faith? Who are the influencers you're following-imitating in this manner?  

According to Hebrew 13:7, we are being called to recall the Fathers of the faith, how they trusted God in spite of grave adversities and hardships. While there is a relative value added by social and cultural influencers in general; for the Christian (those who have a rebirth in Christ, living for him) should primarily be influenced by the scriptures (thing) and Christ ( person), his life and the impact of his influence of other believers in the faith. The text specifically states, "Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the word of God. Consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith."  In this instance, our attention is to be on our Leaders in the faith- pastors, deacons, ministers, elders in the faith- the men and women of God who have authentically and unapologetically preached, and lived out the gospel of Jesus Christ before you. 

The Hebrew writer is saying, believer, copy that!  Allow their behaviors to be absorbed into your process and routines because it will make your faith stand up to the adversities and hardships you'll face without faltering. So, let the biggest influence in your life be CHRIST and the testimonies of those who are walking out their lives faithfully and consistently guided by the truth of God's word! 


Dear Heavenly Father,  

Thank you for your TRUTH! Your testimonies and word breathe new life into our hearts. May we be a people who regard your word highly, allowing it to seep into our souls and refind our hearts for holiness and sanctification. Influence us through your Holy Spirit! May it be the primary and chief influencer of how we live, move, and have our being in this life. The scripture reminds us that we have all we need for this life and Godliness in your word and you Lord; so help us God the Holy Spirit to always find the Word of God the source of nourishment and sustenance.  Thank you, Father! Amen! 


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