W.I.F.E Ministries Lent 2021 | Holy Week


Join us this week sisters, we'll utilize the gifting of a dynamic, bright, insightful theologian to help us meet Jesus in a fresh and meaningful way over the next few days as we continue our journey to the Cross.  I am inviting and implore you to use these next 9 days to prepare your hearts to come in a little closer as Jesus meets a praising crowd who excitedly lay down their clothes and palm leaves in his path shouting, "Hosanna, Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord." 

Then a few days later, let's sneak in the background of Maundy Thursday and the Last Supper activities -the feast and the unbelievable display of Christ servant-like humility in washing the feet of his disciples.  Are you feeling the tension growing? Are you bawling your eyes out yet?

 It's hard to watch without being informed by prior knowledge (you already know the story)...but resist the temptation to impose your knowledge upon the scene, settle your soul and watch as the evening unfolds. Right after the supper, JESUS and his disciples leave the meeting room and head to the garden of Gethsemane. There he prays and pleas with his disciples to pray with him a while as he feels the heavy weight of what was to come, that is, the weight of your sins...and mine. 

Take it, easy sis, we still have a few hours to go as Jesus will have to endure much through these last few hours. Let's take in together the brutality of Good Friday, well... good for us, excruciating for Christ. 

Then in a final decisive moment, he is crucified! Are you sensing his resolve, or are you sensing his vindication as he gives us 7 final words to reflect upon?  
Hoping you are hanging on to this final scene as for dear life. Because it will soon change and carry us away from Golgatha's hill to Joseph's tomb. Make haste my friends, for there our LORD will lay, don't delay.  The three (3) day count down to Resurrection has begun, and with the rising of the sun listen for cries, "He is Risen, he not here... it's really finished, His work is done."

Sisters, join us on this journey be amazed again, and be renewed in your mind as you ponder God's great love for his people fully displayed on the cross and through his dear son. 

Click here to join studying this devotional in the company of your sojourner sisters. Love to the Uttermost| A 9-day Devotional, by John Piper

The study begins, Palm Sunday, March 28th- April 5, 2021
*April 4, 2021 - Easter Sunday

Special notes: Complete Day 1 and 2 together. Day 1 is the prologue, short and sweet, setting a vision for Holy week. Day 2 focuses on Palm Sunday; which will correspond well with 3/28.
That's right, I'm asking you to double up Day 1 and 2; then complete Day 3 on Day 2, and so on moving forward in the study You will actually end the devotional in 4/4. We'll use 4/5 to review- Rest and Meditation.

Peace be unto you sisters!


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