A Passion to Finish the Work of the Lord | Acts 20:24

Do you every awaken to an overwhelming desire to run your race well before God and the witnesses above and below? 
Do you passionately long to walk in purpose and do the work God has assigned you, or perhaps long to discover the path to that race and work set before you by your Lord Jesus? I do!

Every morning, during the day and especially at night, I yearn to walk more fully or run diligently in the race/ work set before me, counting my life as nothing if I cannot finish well in the areas of life God has uniquely designed for me. The race / work while given from the same LORD, looks differently in each our lives. The call to service and conforming to a God honoring posture versus selfish living is all our assignment; however, how we navigate in our specific circumstances - family , parenting, community, work, discipling, has huge implications on finishing . 

But how do we finish well? Well finishing quite frankly starts with beginning. You can't talk finishing without looking at the starting line. So, first things first, we begin by seeing-- (knowing and accepting)--that your life is not your own, it's been bought with a price (Christ's deathly sacrifice) ; therefore we belong to him and in respond to this great love and sacrifice the believer then lives for him, and reflect him in the world. Alright, alright, the world is too big? Reflect him at home with you family, speak of him and his faithfulness to friends, live according to the truths of the gospel-BE a reliable source witness for the gospel. After all, for some of us that's what we're re assigned to do and that's ok and ENOUGH! 

Don't look at the call or charge of others, trust and know that whatever you've been entrusted with by your Heavenly Father is enough, because he's already measured your frame, knows your built, and what you can carry and navigate. So run sister, walk where it applies, just as long as you do it with selfless abandon and with a heart to honor Christ. You belong to him, not yourself and whatever you lose out on for the sake of Christ he's more than able to restore a 100 fold, which is why the text says, " my life is worth nothing to me" , if it's not lived in service or on assignment to finish the work delegated to me by my LORD Jesus Christ. Amen          



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