The gate of a New Year has opened for us and many would like to see this as a new chapter and verse in their story; a new season; a new opportunity for a reset, reboot, and a restart. All good perspectives and helpful mindset if we can just initiate a goal and meet them come on December 31, 2021. A notable effort though and deserving of an applaud, regardless of whether we win big or wane during the journey.
But let's look for a few on that waning part. So many believers like you and me wane or fizzle out at our most promising and vibrant, optimistic New Year goals and desires simply because we somehow are looking for a magical passage from December 31 to January, as if this time loop will instantaneously reset and reboot us with energies that will somehow transform our lives. And while I hate to burst anyone's bubble, it's no secret this just doesn't happen. 

The new chapter and verse, new season, the reset and reboot we so desperately need, especially after the year we've just had, 2020, is deeply rooted in truths we already know. That truth is anchored in the God who is the same today, yesterday, and forevermore. His faithfulness extends to all generations and across the ages, including dates and times. His Word stands firm and cannot be shaken to the one who trusts and takes refuge in him. 

So the date has changed, and yes, we've flipped a universal page in time; however, a new year with you and I in it,  signals the grace and mercy of God who gives us his faithful blessings to enjoy, namely Himself. From him flows these yearly, monthly, weekly, daily, and hourly blessings:

  • It is He who will give us the strength to endure, as we trust in him with all our hearts and lean not on our own understand. He provides our path with clarity, wisdom, truth.
  • It is He who will identify or bring to bear our passions and purposes, as we acknowledge as Lord over our lives. He will make our paths straight.

As we fear and know God more and more each year, we are healed and strengthened as we navigate this world that's not our home. As we honor him with the gifts he blessed us with through our work and toil, he makes us prosperous in mind, body, and spirit.

So, Happy New Year indeed beloved, but remember when the hoopla of the New Year fades, and the months of winter brings clouds of gray, and those vision boards seem hard to fulfill; God sustaining truth- His Word endures, his faithful is steadfast and unchanging and He has his heart and love set on you. Now, that's not just happy news for a New Year, rather it JOYOUS. 

Let's enter into this New Year hopeful for certain that our same God reigns and is Sovereign; His Covenant has not or will not change, he is committed to drawing us to himself and the faithfulness of His Word continues 

Scripture Reference: Proverbs 3:5-10


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