Can you do Kingdomnonics? | God's system to Save and Redeem Sinners

What does redeeming grace look like? 
Well, it's the imagery of God responding to our rebellion by giving us himself. The one of immeasurable glory took on human flesh to bear upon himself the full weight of our sin.
Can you fathom this statistical reality? In other words, can you do the math?

Romans 5:7, 8 "For rarely will someone die for a just person ​— ​though for a good person perhaps someone might even dare to die. 
But God proves His own love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us"

In order to balance out this inequality between Kingdoms, that is, heaven and earth, God himself had to become the greatest equalizer. The weight of sin was so great in the earth, it violated all of God's good boundaries,  his creation, and put his creation in the path of his wrath. The world that God created was rancid with sin. Putrid with hate and corruption and due to the terminal state of sickness sin had caused in the world- broken relationship with God, there was no simple fix or solution- no one thing that would be the cure. Instead, it needed a person and that person was the Son of God, Jesus.

Hence, the theory of kingdomnomics was unveiled to bring balance to the earth's (man's) debts before God. Are you not happy and praising God that he doesn't think like you or me? His ways are not ours, his thoughts are not like ours. Kingdomnomics calculates the data (sin > grace and mercy) upside down. We could not and still cannot save ourselves apart from God giving us himself in such a radical way.  His mercy outweighed our sin.
In no space or time can we in our sinfulness can calculate the infinite ways that these specific,  might I, add ordained and predestined realities have shaped the course of human history. 

Look at these variables:

"The Lord of lords, one of incalculable glory, humbles himself and takes on human flesh and blood. 
The Creator, in a way that boggles the mind, becomes created. 
The One who made a perfect world now exposes himself to a world stained with imperfections. 
The judge of all things places himself under judgment. 
The One who deserves worship becomes the Lamb of sacrifice. 
The One who deserves everyone’s love subjects himself to being despised and rejected. 
The One who owns all things lives with no place to call home and no place to rest his weary head." -(Paul David Tripp,  Oh Come Let us Adore Him)

So can you do Kingdomnomics?
I confess, I can't and won't even try. God's redeeming grace is amazing and so divine, I could spend my whole life trying to figure it out. Instead, I'll choose to spend my time praising and thanking God for his amazing grace that found me in the squalor and mess of sin, and without a chastising word, look beyond my faults and saw my need for his dear one and precious son Jesus the Christ. That's how the numbers add up, Christ and nothing else.


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