A Season of Anticipation, Patient Waiting and Beholding: Advent

We are here again, at that space in the year when as Christians our attention is more focused and intentional to remember the mighty works of God through the sending of his Son to be birth in lowly estate ( a manger among stable animals), so that we may look ahead, patiently wait and behold the wonder of his Kingly return to gather his beloved to himself in eternal rule. 

Each year,  counting backwards four Sundays from Christmas Eve, the Christian world have a unique opportunity to lean into the miracle of the Christmas story and realities thereof, that changed the course of history and which provided all those who would believe the message and the messager with safe passage to eternal life. It is a time when God's love is deeply displayed at the center of our hearts and minds, we are reminded of his generous gift to us in the person of a baby born in a manger- Jesus. 
Little did Mary know, how this baby would indeed give sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf, life to the dead and to many others a praise on their lips to the glory of the Lamb who would take away the sin of the world.
But, we know, and that makes all the difference in how we now respond over 2000 years later. We have the historical biblical account on our side which enriches our living with truth and testimonies of the wonders of God, his promises which extends to the present age. This enable us to continue to patiently wait with reverent sense of beholding as we anticipate the Second Coming of our Lord. Maranatha, that is, Come Lord Jesus!

So as Advent begins, we focus intentionally on all the promises that God has declared in his word about the Return of the King. (MATTHEW 24 [read all] ; also see vss. 29-31) That great day when the heavens will burst forth in glorious splendor and the Majesty and Sovereignty of God himself shall appear from the sky. We who patiently wait will then be satisfied, for the tyranny of  Satan in this world will once and for all end. The captives to sin will be free and those who sleep in Christ shall be caught up with all who live presently to meet him in the sky. What a glorious promise. We can HOPE in this promise because God's word proves true from age to age, his character is trustworthy. As he promised Mary that she would bear a son , whose name would be Jesus and he'd be the Redeemer and Savior of the world; so , we can also trust his word spoken by Jesus when he said he'd come again and will take us to be with him in heaven.
Until then, we walk in Advent Hope, Peace, Joy and Love.


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