The Heavens Declare God's Glory| He's ever present and speaking

Each morning when I awake, I must be careful to remind my heart that this is the day that the Lord has made and to rejoice and be glad in it. Before my feet hit the floor, I want to posture myself, really my mind and heart to remember that in spite of the last thing I spoke about, saw or pondered before going to bed, this new day holds much potential and promises because it is given to me by a good, just and faithful God.  

See, I tell my heart this before the 1st cup of coffee or knock on the door by one of my children who most certainly will have a care or concern,  or the first text or call from a friend or colleague that could inspire joy or lack thereof. I remind myself of how good my loving heavenly father is and that in his Sovereignty he works everything out for my good and his glory. That, in every experience, I can trust him to have my back. Then I get up, stretch little, allowing the very movement of body and blood rushing to my brain, amidst prayerful thoughts to also remind me that, I have been blessed with another day to sense and experience all of God's glory in this new day of new mercies. Shortly after this momentary pause of stretching and pop in visit in the doors of still sleeping children, I head for the coffee machine and my outdoor sanctuary.
Bible, journal, pens, and highlighters in tote...and yes, that hot cup of coffee, I take my usual seat, that is, facing the rising sun. This is probably the best seat on the patio between 5:30-7:00 am. The heavens speak to little old me, confirming the grand declarations of a mighty and glorious God who is my maker and the designer of this heavenly scape I'm witnessing before me. He continues to call aloud through the dynamic and indiscriminate stroke of genius in his painted sky of dark hues of gray and white puffy looks of clouds that ripples row after row. He calls forth the sun, and in its own rhythm and time escalates from the distant horizon. If you are not careful, though it seems leisurely, pop and it quickly heads to a 45° of bright hope.

What does this say to me,  One who is looking for the hand of God in all my lived-in spaces and interactions? For me, it speaks loudly the hope and confidence we have in our God. It states comfortingly, soon but not just yet. I'm reassured in this beauty before me, of the many promises, but one brings through here declaring the steadfast love of God and that it never fails, his loving kindness is renewed to us and for us every day. Great is his faithful!  What knowledge can I attain from the speech the sky pours out today? In the little corner of my sanctuary, what is God saying or calling me to do and be for his glory and good...this as the sky -the heavens are an instrument used to communicate God's glory.

PS 19: 1-6
"The heavens declare the glory of God,
and the expanse proclaims the work of his hands.
Day after day they pour out speech;
night after night they communicate knowledge.
There is no speech; there are no words; their voice is not heard.
Their message has gone out to the whole earth, and their words to the ends of the world.
In the heavens, he has pitched a tent for the sun.
It is like a bridegroom coming from his home;
it rejoices like an athlete running a course.
It rises from one end of the heavens
and circles to their other end
nothing is hidden from its heat."


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