My Artistic Interpretation of W.I.F.E by Benjamin Mitchell

IT'S #winsomeWednesday again y'all, it seems like the weeks have wings, doesn't it?  Well, I am so happy to be healthy and well in mind and spirit, I will welcome every day that the Lord sees fit to call me to awaken and sing his praises!  How about you, and what are you doing to occupy the space you're in?  
Share in the comment section, please! I love hearing from you all sisters. (PERIOD)

So, about this art... I Love it! Love it! 

About six months ago my youngest Ben(12), had an art project for his Digital Design class that required him to design a logo and marking mock-ups for any brand he desired. Of course, I immediately said to him, let's see what you can do for W.I.F.E.
Criteria: Based on our Name and mission, create a design that reflects our brand. He came back with this y'all- Woman anchored in the cross reading her bible. Couldn't be more proud.😂

This is so winsome!


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