PALM SUNDAY has not been CANCELLED // Jesus is still TRIUMPHANT

REMINDER, tomorrow is PALM SUNDAY, the beginning of Holy Week!  
While all of our church services still remain suspended from a physical building, remember the church - is biblically defined as the body/gathered people of God.  So please, do not be dismayed or lose heart because you're able to not able to spend this Lenten- Easter Sunday at the church building.  Take heart, and be not troubled, because the Lord in his generosity has blessed us all with creativity and ingenuity of the times.  

Gather your families (in your home) and still celebrate and talk about the significance of Palm Sunday, read the passages that refer to Jesus Triumphant  Entry on his way up to Jerusalem, and the pageantry that transpired  as he neared Bethphage and Bethany - Matthew 21:1-11; Mark 11:1-11; Luke 19:28-40; John 12:12-19

You may not have palms to wave, but pull our scarves and spring coats and create a vivid picture in the minds and hearts of children and adults alike. Amen!  A lot of things are suspended and canceled, but the HOPE of the Gospel transcends space and time; endures from age to age, and is our anchor now through eternity. Amen? Amen!


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