Maundy Thursday // Commemorate reflectively the Sacrifice of Jesus

Hello sisters, have you been trekking with Jesus this Holy week as he makes his way to Golgotha's hill?
Well, today is Maundy Thursday, the eve of the most bloody and heinous crime committed on earth -- the plotting of, and the execution of Jesus Christ, the son of God.

As we commemorate the events of today, we remember that by late this evening, the Last Supper will be had, there will be feet washing, and commands instituted for how the disciples will move onward and pass the baton of preaching and teaching the gospel. Jesus will in these last hours institute kingdom principles that show us God's upside concept of Kingdom living for all disciples Christ.

Maundy Thursday is really 'command' Thursday. Maundy, shortened from its Latin root "mandatum" means, command, and refers to the new command Jesus will issue to the disciples during the last supper. ( John 13:34)
The last supper (The Passover meal) will institute communication on oiterationf the Holy Sacraments of the church. (Luke 22:27-38)
The how-to illustration of servant-leadership is demonstrated =Jesus washes the feet of his disciples
The Picture of extraordinary humility displayed by Jesus, and his command for his disciples to do the same for others.
The deep and agonizing contemplation of the weight of sin is seen in the garden of Gethsemane as Jesus prays for hours.
The soldiers and Judas arrives, Jesus is kissed by Judas which signals his arrest and his trial begins.
The disciples scatter
The insults, accusations, disrespect, jailing, and assaults escalate. Jesus brought to the hous eof the HIgh Priest for the convening of the Sanhedrin
Peter betrays Christ
Today, we commemorate and reflect on the sacrifice of Jesus and his commandment for us to serve others as we've been served by him. (John 13:2-17)

Readings: Matthew 26:17-30 , 36-46 ; Mark 14:12-26 , 32-42 ; Luke 22:7-30 , 39-46


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