What Passage of Scripture are you mediating on?

 As far back as we can look, read and can interpret God's directive in scripture, we can see his desire for his people to not just know his commands and instructions, but they were to meditate on them day and night and not allow these nuggets of wisdom, truth, and guidance to be the very tool -vehicle of their relating to God and their success in his good world.  

Through the historical narrative of scripture, from the beginning all the way up to Moses we see a God who spoke directly to his people and chosen leaders. Through Moses, the laws and commands were given and through him, these instructions were to be passed on to Joshua and the many many generations to follow, until the end of the age.  But, I like what happens in Joshua 1, at the death of the LORD's servant Moses, God speaks to Joshua very encouragingly as he is now Moses' successor and will need to lead the people of Israel across over the Jordan into the land God has promised. What I love is that, before God puts any demand on Joshua, he encourages him and fortifies him of the promise made to Moses, and reassures Joshua that he will keep his promises and that there's no need to fear, for  God was with him as he was with Moses. In v1- 9, there is a strong vote of confidence from God to Joshua, not because Joshua was so great, rather, God was faithful and he was going to continue being so as he empowers Joshua to further the cause of deliverance and promise to his people. As a  matter of fact, God rallies Joshua's confidence several times in these 9 verses, in a sense, God is acknowledging, this is going to be a huge-monstrous task but " be strong and courageous, for you will... v6), and again in v7: " Be strong and very courageous ...) but this time listen to what God said will bring success. 

'Above all, be strong and very courageous to observe carefully the whole instruction my servant Moses commanded you. Do not turn from it to the right or the left, so that you will have success wherever you go
(8)This book of instruction must not depart from your mouth; you are to meditate on it day and night so that you may carefully observe everything written in it.
For then you will prosper and succeed in whatever you do.
Haven’t I commanded you: be strong and courageous? Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.'  Joshua 1:1-9
Meditating on God's word builds our confidence to do everything God calls us to in this life. As we allow his instructions, which are woven and interwoven in the scriptures (line upon line, percept upon precept- scripture confirming scripture fro Genesis to Revelation- we hear like Joshua God's rallying and thundering cheer, "Be strong and courageous". But, deeper still, when we meditate on God's laws and instructions we have wisdom and insight to make better-right choices. God says to Joshua, this is how you prosper and have success to overcome ants and giants, Do not turn from my instructions (any of it, don't pick and choose what you'll obey, do not amend or twist it to fit you)... "be careful to observe the whole instruction my servant Moses commanded you."

I'm wondering if we are lacking the courage to do what we need to do for God, or have a voice for him in this wayward world because we have turned away from the "whole instruction". Are we a generation that doesn't know his instructions because we are not faithfully meditating on them day and night. Have we gotten slack about our spiritual disciples, not just meditating on the Word, but reading, singing, speaking and writing the word. God says to Joshua, the "book of instruction must not depart from your mouth". 

My heart is ever checked for its attitudes and intentions as I meditate on scripture (books-chapters-verses). The act of  meditating on God's breathed out word does that,  ['All Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, for training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.' - 2 Timothy 3:16-17], and as you do and allow these seeds of truth to take root, we'll see fruit.

So what are you meditating on? 


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