Morning Glory | The First 15 minutes of being Awake Frames My Day

On mornings when I awaken to a song (melody) or verses of scripture on parade mode in my mind making an immediate connection to my heart are mornings I treasure!  

How about you, do you have those mornings often or once in a while?

I crave those mornings because when that's not the order of my first 15 mins of awakedness, I find that my mind is like a schoolhouse playfield at recess - noisy, crowded and overwhelmed. 
If my heart and mind are not focused on Christ in thankfulness, first giving thanks for being awake, secondly, scanning and listening for the children and even sounds from outside and praising God for his kindness to me... that is, possibilities of new mercies, or sometimes, I'm even blessed before my feet hit the floor to smell bacon cooking ...yum; then I can often open up myself to the "whatever" of life that morning. Which, might I emphasize, is not good!  Never leave your first 15 or your day up to "whatever". Be intentional about setting the Lord before you when you awake, during the day and as you fall off to sleep. [insider- we all are working at this, not quite there yet myself; but working diligently]


Sisters, I am praying forward for you all to experience no other thought other than the Greatness and Glory of God in your first 15 mins of awakedness. This will change the trajectory of your day!  Seriously, whatever you wake up thinking on, often has the power to control your thought life all day. Likewise, I'm of the opinion that whatever, you go to bed listening to, watching-meditating on can have a boomerang effect on what you are thinking when you wake up!

'When I think of you as I lie on my bed, I meditate on you during the night watches because you are my helper; I will rejoice in the shadow of your wings. I follow close to you; your right hand holds on to me. ' Psalms 63:6-8

Sisters, we have to train our minds to think about the truths of God's Word. Want to tame your thoughts and tongue (hold stray thoughts, feelings, words captive)?
 'We demolish arguments...
and every proud thing that is raised up against the knowledge† of God, and we take every thought captive to obey Christ. ' 2 Corinthians 10:5  (See vv 4)

Then think on/meditate day and night upon what's true, and lovely (Phl. 4:8)...soon, you can't help waking up with lovely thoughts, even when life's to-do list is pummelling at your door; when being upset and holding a grudge seems the most attractive resolve, when procrastination hinders progress and being in your feelings is presenting as your rightful prerogative! 

Here's what I woke up to this morning, the lyrics of this children's church song playing in my head, but with Psalms 121 on my lips. Now, beloved, there's no condemnation here, your first 15 may not have a playlist or a specific chapter or verse of scripture and that's okay. However, make those 15 or so minutes count. Be intentional and resist turning on the news or grabbing your phone (other than for shutting off the alarm) and GRAB your bible, or create an accessible Worship playlist of songs that you can play to set your mood and agenda for the day. Make a drastic and dramatic declaration  to your day, " I will seek ye first and set the Lord before me!" 

Ok, so what's playing in your mind or challenging your heart attitudes as your meditate on God's Word. 


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