My First 15 //Does it Matter what I do when I first awaken?

Ladies, a  hot topic regarding our discernment - spiritual formation which has been on my heart for a while is the increasing number of social media platforms that are presenting as places of spiritual resource but are varying versions of motivational inspiration. Nothing more, nothing less! Many of us are friends with, and members of a wide variety of groups and pages; consequently, I am seeing a lot of "spiritual content" being used as a vehicle for "motivation". While there is no law against this, there is a need for a cautionary pause.

Be aware sisters of these groups who are dropping content that is solely "motivational", yet lacking the spiritual vigor to help water and nourish your soul or provide a meaningful community where you're encouraged. Not every person who claims to be a Christian, and quote a verse or two is actually using their platform for drawing your heart closer to walking with Christ,  and being a woman who lives by the integrity of God's Word.

Some signs that the content is motivational based, and its object is not a Cross-formed Life is that its end result is often motivation via parlaying scriptures which lands you on topics to live your best life now, to rally you to women empowerment,  get yours now, while other subtly preach "me now", 5/7... steps to __ ,  or an instance gratification gospel.

While the scriptures do inspire, they carry a heavier weight to them, they call us to look beyond the superficial of this world and pursue the eternal. The scriptures invite our hearts to dive deep into the Word and hear God for ourselves.  They teach, rebuke, train in righteousness, and are PROFITABLE to the wo(man) who do not have itchy ears [ 2 Timothy 4:3] and run off with any doctrine out there that feels good, lacks challenge, and charge to her soul to grow up in Christ.  We will NOT be gullible women either, who allow anyone looking for "likes" or a fan base to worm their way into our lives [ 2 Timothy 3:6] and give us milk, rather than the rich meat of truth. Motivation outside the full canon of God's word is dangerous and not profitable.

Hence, I'm always praying for those in this group, and invite you to try the spirit by the spirit. Review our posts, discern if our content calls you to live and love Christ more!

Personally, I have a social media rule, that includes reviewing the comments of not only the host but also the members in a group; when possible, if I can access the host's personal page, I also preview those pages, to discern if their overall presentation over days- months and even a year reflect my own beliefs!

Yep...I do... too much? It's not that deep?
Well, it's not too much or that deep to God!
It is often with a sincere heart, I pray no one is offended when I hit the decline button, but I'm very quick to say no to JOIN invites and Page likes. Then there are times when it's simple,  as I'm already a part of a group or page that meets that need. However, the point is, let's be discerning. Almost every day friends or friend of friends are sending out these invites; so I wanted to weigh in and encourage you to be careful. Again, try the Spirit by the spirit. 


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