Thankful that God does delay | 2 Peter 3:9

Aren't you thankful that the Lord doesn't measure time like we do; or is slow to keep his promises?

2 Peter 3:9 is so helpful and comforting to the saved - those found in the grace of God through belief in Christ Jesus, and the unsaved- those yet to confess and follow Jesus as Lord.

For the former, God's delay is a kindness to us, giving us time to grow in grace and truth. According to Matthew Henry's commentary, " to abound in good works, doing and suffering what they are called to, that they may bring glory to God, and improve in a meetness for heaven". While God desires none to perish, the latter - the unconverted has time to hear the truth of God's word and the promise of salvation and turn quickly to saving grace.

Isn't that a sweet and consoling truth revealed in this verse? Yes, it is!

So the next time you or I, are tempted to think the world may be going to hell in a soaked kerosene suit and wonder, LORD, where are you? Or we think he's asleep /slack concerning executing justice for all the ills around us let us remember that he is giving us all time.

He doesn't count time like we do! He doesn't delay or is slack- but will act at his appointed time.



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