Got Wisdom | James 1:5-6

Morning sister sojourners, it's Thoughtful Tuesday!

Think (meditate, let it sink in, ponder anew) on this... ❗Got wisdom💡❓

Are you saying to the Lord or others around you, I need wisdom for this or that? Is this the excessive cry of your heart or perhaps you're just feeling a lack of wisdom for the situations that arise?

Well, have no fear or shame that you feel under-resourced in the wisdom department. We all have experienced feeling clueless about what to do or how to solve a problem. We all have at some point on this journey said, "I need wisdom for this matter." We have all asked for prayers regarding having wisdom... so you're normal and still saved! 😊

Since we are finite beings, with limited capacity; knowing and accepting that we will not have all the answers or access to quick solutions is a must and quite freeing! ✴What?... yes!
It's freeing ♻️ because we are daughters of the One who knows all and is WISDOM himself! So we surrender to our inability and lack of wisdom. Resign being a " wanna be know it all" and run to the ONE who knows ALL.

James 1:5-6 is the answer to your
'know it all complex'... because you don't, and can't know all. On this side of heaven, we know in part and see in part- for the whole is not yet come. By his grace and mercy, God allows us to understand some things, and the rest is a mystery; hence, we are to ASK for wisdom!

Here's the good news, God is waiting patiently and generously to meet our asking. So stop trying to defuse the nuclear bombs of life on your own. Great you can change a lightbulb or even regrout your kitchen counters in this YouTube age; however, there are issues and challenges that cannot be YouTubed and are outside of earth's purview. So, log into Prayer and have a talk with Jesus, his wisdom surpasses human understanding, his ways not our ways. His precepts are right and true. His commands make us wiser than enemies; his insight makes is more understanding than teachers (Psalm 119:97-99)

The PLUS, HE gives wisdom to all who ask in faith, generously and ungrudgingly. So you are still asking, but where is wisdom? Sister, she cries out in the street! (Proverbs 1:20 [all of Proverbs]). God's Word is your direct access to wisdom. If your skipping spending time in the WORD, that's why you're not getting answers and solutions. Ask and it shall be given- -
Got a bible? You've got God's reply.

Glory, Hallelujah


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