New Year , New Plan: Resolve to Become and Behold

At this point in the year, most of us sisters are not even remotely thinking about how we'll maintain the germinating sprouts or roots of our spiritual formation and development.

With Christmas 14 days away; and good heavens, the New Year... the New Year!!! yes the New Year a 21 days away, many can't even process the next steps for growth and development in what should be the most important thing, our deeper and loving grasp of God's truth in order that we may become more like his Son, and behold our God with wonder and delight.  

My Story
Listen, this post is not a reprimand by no means. Years ago, I too allowed myself to get consumed, then overwhelmed by the demands of the season, which ranged from trying to squeeze in multiple gatherings to host family and friends, after all, tis' the season, to buying, hiding and wrapping gifts for Christmas. I'd be a ball of knots and aching by Christmas Day, tired and rundown. The week following, I'd try to rest, but that'd be a joke because perhaps we'd try to squeeze in yet another gathering or an outing before the New Year's bells and whistle came screaming. By the time I gathered myself, it would be January 1st, and then it would dawn on me, that the best gift is given to me, which will never expire or be returned has not been opened; that is, the sweet precious gift of the season, Jesus Christ.  

Much to do about nothing

I then hustle to figure out, O' my, a plan for my spiritual growth in the New Year! Oh- oooo, feeling behind, I'd grab a few things, because for sure I'm not resource-deprived.  From hard copy studies to a plethora of online resources, I can grab something and just go. Well, the problem with that is, rather than getting the full impact of what God would desire for me to experience in Him, in the New Year: scrambling and hodgepodging this process leaves my soul's growth up to chance or a "hit and miss" odds. As a matter of fact, I've found that by the end of the year, yes I did learn new things about God and his kingdom, but it was all over the place. Praise God that this process doesn't solely depend on me, God is faithful and his word will accomplish what it is sent to do- - All I can say is, because of His grace in spite of my randomness in my spiritual development approach; I have still been able to get some meat out of the word.

Yet... I don't just want to get by when so much more is at the table to be had. "He spread a table before me, in the presence of my enemy,  he anoints my head without..." (Ps. 23:5).  My spiritual development is to enjoy all that God in his goodness affords me through his son Jesus. The enemy of my soul's progress towards Godliness and the pursuit of the Holy would be happy if I settle for some of this, a little bit of that, maybe bits and pieces of truth. But why settle, and hope we have divine success in our growth as believers. Why not Plan, Prepare and Practice a spiritual discipline that truly yields the pleasure of knowing God more and being postured to behold his splendor and majesty.

What I've Learned 

Suffice it to say, lesson learned!
Realizing my randomness left me feeling a shallow sense of connection with the Lord from start to finish of a New Year, I decided to make a change in my process in the year to follow, and have tried to do so every year since. Now, this is not to say, you cannot make a concerted redirect and create a plan wherever you find yourself offline as the New Year begins and progresses.  My story just serves as a testimony for how God works and guides my life. He is truly patient and steadfast in mercy.  So glad for his patience with me! So don't feel overwhelmed, if your plan comes together in February or August. The idea here is, have a plan that you can work and God's fullness of grace, mercy, and love flows through. 

Sometimes even with the best plan, God will throw in red or amber light, even a detour up in the journey to remind us that it's his plans that ultimately get established. (Proverbs 19:21) Keeping this in mind and our foundation,  I still have to offer that a plan helps to say focused and on track; especially when we encounters God's divine red or amber light or a detour. God uses our efforts (a plan to be prepared to practice) to be faithful to him to bring forth fruitfulness and flourishing.

A Plan is not a basis for self -sufficiency

No, God doesn't help those who help themselves! So no, a plan doesn't secure anything grand or glorious; apart from our heavenly Father and the lead of the Holy Spirit.  God doesn't favor the one who is a planner over another who is a non-planner. Our commitment to thinking ahead and purpose in our hearts to growth in truth is really a  big bonus to our souls. When we pursue flourishing in the Word of God and understanding our role in God's big wonderful story, we begin to reflect the God of wonder, grace, awe, love, mercy, and grace.  This draws people in to engage us,  and give you (us) the opportunity to tell of our God and glorify Him.

Moving Forward to Flourishing

My journey has taught me that as I primp, decorate my home, gather with friends and family, wrap presents, I need to give myself a gift that will last all year through. So, I make time to PLAN by praying and asking the Lord to show me his direction for the New Year. I ask him to drop topics specific and general that will stretch me and hone in on areas where I need growth. I PREPARE by research the best of the best materials that will feed my soul. This also may include purchasing a New Bible translation that helps to clearly and accurately help to knockout pride and self-importance and draw my heart to a deeper understanding of who God is. I PRACTICE,  while I give room and space for the Holy Spirit to move and work through my Plan and Preparation, keeping in mind there very well might be a red or amber light and even a detour or complete stop in my process; I come wholeheartedly ready to dig deeper and drink deeply, to partake of all God has prepared for me. I come to his table with great expectation of being satisfied and filled by his Word. I anticipate becoming more like Jesus and beholding my God better than I ever did before.

How will you use the next few days to consider a Plan that you can Prepare and Practice?

God desires our flourishing, but this flourishing doesn't come by being random and hodgepodge. Our God is an orderly God, and while he can do what he wants to, how he wants...after all he is God, and we are not.  Since we are finite beings, we must then do everything possible, with the knowledge and access to resources around us, to pursue flourishing. 


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