DISCOVER ADVENT WITH US: Waiting for the Ultimate

ADVENT-  " Coming"

Wow, we are to be a people (disciples) in anticipated wait. Not idly waiting, twiddling our thumbs, thinking maybe it will happen or maybe not. Not a disengaged wait, as in sitting around the hospital or doctor's office- restlessly and anxiously awaiting results or to be called. Rather, we wait as people (saints) who have a glorious promise from a good, faithful and trustworthy God.

 Linda Brooks​' comment in an earlier Facebook post (ADVENT-"Coming"; DAY 1:WEEK 1) sparks a cord in my own heart. Do I live a life that is anticipating the arrival of my King?  If so, I have a prepared heart, which is ready to receive him. If not, what's my hinderance? Do I live a life that is ready at any time to be broken into by the Gospel?

Beloved, this is not a question about you being saved! It's more about what is happening in our daily faith journey after we have confessed with our mouths, "Jesus is Lord" and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead... henceforth you are saved! (Romans 10:6)  But, between that moment and the day of his return, there is walking out of that confession and belief which should daily grow from looking less like our old selves and more like Christ. Hence, while we are waiting, we have some growing to do. So, what are you doing while waiting in the knowledge and trust of God to fulfill his promises and Jesus to return?

This reality dear sisters, grounded in the truths of the rich inheritance we have in and through Christ, who is in God, builds confidence to live lives that are continually preparing, making room and waiting for our King who is on his way.

Bonheoffer is right, the Christians life is lived - out through the Gospel, as one that is waiting for the Ultimate.

Who Ultimate? Jesus Christ, the King of Glory What Ulitmate? CHRIST's RETURN
We are to live with eternity on our minds -in our hearts- through our bodies. Amen.


Father, we thank you for your promises, especially the ones in scripture that reminds us that Jesus is coming back again to gather and reign over those who have placed their trust in Him. I thank you, Father, that our "waiting" is not hopeful or in vain. Lord, through your Holy Spirit, ignite in us anticipation to wait on you with full engagement in your WORD, which gives us wisdom on how to live and grow in how much we reflect Christ to each other (believers) and to a watching world. While we wait, give us the grace we need to be faithful followers (disciples) who are actively living out the Gospel and sharing it with those who need to be drawn near to you. Thank you, Lord, for the privilege and honor to wait on our King. Amen


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