Preparing our Hearts for a Season of Giving Thanks

                       "Oh Come, Let us Sing to the Lord...  "               

Here's a confession, I'm not always found singing unto to the Lord. To be quite honest, often as the days and months goes by, I'd have to admit that though my complaining doesn't outnumber my songs of praise and thanks to the Lord, the times I am found in ingratitude or  just  caught up in my own self-awareness (me Big-God small ) are shamefully more than a few.  Counting blessings and singing songs of thanks and praise to the Giver of good things and... even the sometimes not so good things, don't always come naturally in the cycle of everyday life. 

Rather, I can find myself counting all the have nots, oh dears, and the many little things that break...are broken, and I can quickly point out how life would be better...easier had it not been for this or that. 

Can you relate?  Maybe I'm telling on myself here. 

Anyways, what's up with that? I have the propensity to nitpick at all that is wrong, broken and lost; as opposed to counting my blessings and expressing gratitude for all God has done, is doing and will do , which bring my heart to grateful singing and praise. Yea, what's going on with my heart?

As I meditate on these few verses ( 1-3) of  Psalm 95 and utilize its charge to prepare my heart for another season of giving thanks; which by the way shouldn't be a seasonal activity, but always, I can't resist the active participation that the Psalm is calling for.

  1. "oh Come'- there is a movement towards the Lord. I sense a drop what you're doing /make time ...and come 
  2. Let us sing - the call is to assemble and together sing. There's a covenant community in the activity of singing unto the Lord
  3. Make a joyful noise -there is a call to express thanks joyfully, perhaps even loudly. This is not a silent song to be sung internally. It is to make a statement about the source of your joy and gratitude.
  4. Let us Come into his presence with thanksgiving- the obedience to come, the singing of songs individually and corporately, and joyful noises lead to entering into God's presence...where there are more joy and pleasures forevermore. We come, sing, make joyful noises, give thanks and enter in ...
              ... because the Lord is a great God and a King above all gods." He has been faithful to us, and in spite of our obsessions with ourselves, other people, places and things, he remains Sovereign King overall. Faithful and true to his promises. He continued to work all things for the good of those who love him; he fights for the poor, the meek, and the righteous. He defends the widow and the orphan, he heals the wounds of the brokenhearted and makes straight the path of those who trust in him. Well, how can we not Come and sing unto the Lord a joyful song of thanksgiving?

In this season and the ones to come, let us intentionally and consistently  "Come" alone or with friends and family (the Let us) to sing songs unto the Lord. Let us joyously express in songs and also words how grateful we are to a God who is a great God, and a King above all gods. He is Sovereign friend, and his rule and reign are not limited to our unique situations, backgrounds or circumstances. In fact, sing all the more and make joyful noises always because of your circumstances and see how this great King fills your heart anew.

So as we prepare for Thanksgiving to come in three (3) short weeks, let's start now by daily laying a foundation that will bloom fruitful songs of gratitude, prayers when you celebrate at your Thanksgiving gatherings. 
  • Week of 11/3-9  - Give thanks for friends and family; co-workers. People who contribute to who you are; those who point you to Jesus and those you carry to the throne of mercy for God's grace and mercy.
  • Week of 11/10-16 - Recount, Meditate upon and Give thanks for God's goodness and faithfulness in your life. List them one by one!
  • Week of 11/17-23 - Where is there God's activity in your life? Consider all the ways God is presently caring for you as the Good Shepherd. Ps. 23
  • Week of 11/24 -Thanksgiving (11/28) - Thank God for the gift of Salvation, and the rich inheritance therein through his dear Son Jesus Christ.
  • On Thanksgiving Day sing songs of praise and read the Psalms that Praise God for being Creator, Commander, and Savior. Plan ahead, have sheets of paper at the ready for dinner guests to write out what they are grateful to God for. Read then out loud, Pray and Praise God.


Jamika said…
I fully intend to incorporate this into my season of Thanksgiving !

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