Monday Mediation |Thymelygrace

It's a new week with a bounty of mercies and grace to take hold of; there are deposits in every conversation, every visitation; our slight passerby or intentional meeting /up. Today, and throughout the week, no matter what we will experience God's word states that he has given us everything we need for life and Godliness. (2 Peter 1:3)  

God's Word is a Guide for Daily Living

I'm thankful for God's Word because it is...
... "inspired by God... and an inestimable treasure that surpasses all the riches of the earth." (King James Bible Authors, 1611)
 Hallelujah! Hallelujah!  God's Word is a treasure trove of wisdom for living our daily lives. Well exposed, through seeking and rooting through verse upon verse and precept upon precept, we  will find indispensable nuggets of gold for use in strengthening our hearts to hope against our situations and circumstances; peace for rough and choppy waters of relating to life and others, love for the unlovely, and joy for braving the winter seasons that are inevitable in every life.

Isn't it astonishingly amazing that God in his omniscient already knew what we'd need to live lives that bring him glory; hence, we read "By his divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life. We have received all of this by coming to know him, the one who called us to himself by means of his marvelous glory and excellence." (2 Peter 1:3)

Sisters, this power is not contrived by human hands or ability; God in and by his "own"/divine power has given us everything we need to navigate this life - second to minute; minute to hours; hours to days; days to month; month to years- he has endowed each millisecond to hold sufficient grace to bear us, and take us through all our experiences. But, this is not for our benefit or ease, it is for lives that glorify and bring honor to Him. Furthermore, I see in the text that, we have this sufficiency when we are found in Christ -(3b "We have received all of this by coming to know him, the one who called us to himself by means of his marvelous glory and excellence).  Knowing, and abiding in Christ is the basis for this great and glorious enabling, "having all we need for life and living a Godly life".  Imagine, as you mine the deep and deeper still, riches of the Word, a gracious, wonderful, sufficient, loving, merciful God who wants us to know Him intimately, and for us to be active participants who reap always from the riches of the inheritance made available to us when we came to faith in Christ.

The WORD OF GOD is dynamic, fresh, alive and active! I am grateful for its power to save, deliver, set captives free and sustain me in my Holy Faith!  AMEN


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