Jamika Richardson | The Joys of Living in Community

The Joys of Living in Community

Living in a faith-based community has been one of my greatest joys, but can I be honest? It hasn’t always been this way. I remember walking through a season of loss. In one year I’d loss multiple people and was left feeling very empty. I had so many questions. 

Questions about my faith, and about this world we live in.  I was in a dark place of doubt and deep despair. I wanted so desperately to crawl into a hole and just disappear. 

Now what you should know is that I am a believer. I was baptized at the age of six, and yes, my “saved” self wanted to be depressed and quit! I mean I felt as if I’d “earned it.” I would go to church every Sunday, be in a room full of people and leave feeling more alone than ever. I was just going through the motions, barely surviving and definitely not living “ my best life”.

Until one day someone invited me to a small group. I was a total skeptic but, I didn’t want to be rude and decline the invitation. So I went, I hardheartedly entered that space reluctantly. I would describe the immediate feeling as warm and cozy. I was surrounded by women from all walks of life, all ages, together, under one roof getting along. Again I had been in church for a long time but had never experienced this level of togetherness! I was like, how do I get more of this? I started coming around more often and became connected with no strings attached. Connection takes courage and commitment

Although we were made for connection (Genesis 2:18),  sometimes things get in the way. Perhaps it’s mistrust formed from past experiences.  Maybe it’s a divorce, maybe you’re heartbroken. Maybe your past has a story of abuse and abandonment. Maybe the hinderance is self-esteem related- too heavy or too thin. Perhaps it's having a mindset of perfection- I need everything just right! Whatever your "thing is", if it's being used as an excuse to stay away or not venture int the deep of community life within your local church, know it's a hindrance to that keeps you from Christ-centered connections with God's people.

I’m not sure, but as you’re reading this post, I wonder what weights are you carrying? In other words, what is, hindering you from connecting with others.  Whatever it is, can I tell you, alone that weight will crush you! I think of living in a community like working out in a gym. Consider with me if you will, the weight lifting experience. 
During a session of lifting, generally, it is inadvisable to lift without a “spotter”. A “spotter”, does just that. He/she helps to see the blindspots, help to balance the load and often carry the weight from rest to active and from active to rest.  Well, that’s exactly what my community does for me, they help me lift some of life’s heaviest weight.

I believe the enemy fights to keep us from living in community with others because he knows that there is power in connection (Ecclesiastes 4:12). Living as part of a community has changed the way I see relationships. I no longer ascribe to the thought that women can’t get along. We have a saying in my community - where, by the way, I am now flourishing through shared experiences with other sisters in faith--- “we believe God created us to live in relationship with others and only then can we live the full life He intends for us”. 
Don’t do life alone! Find your community! 


Thymelygrace said…

Jamika, Let me first to say THANK YOU for sharing your vulnerability and transparency in your journey to become an active and consistent participant in the community life at church, in your community and perhaps at work. Specifically, though, God calls us to build his church and the way that is done is to unite hand in hand; shoulder to shoulder with the people of God, whether it be through one to one encounters or small group settings, we accomplish so much more together than apart. In community, we fulfill the gospel imperatives such as "carry one another burdens", "encourage one another in Psalms and Hymns", "pray for all the saints...everywhere", and in so many other ways that we have the privilege to reflect God through Christ to each other.

So, thanks for sharing with us an honest reflection on your before and after experience with "life in the community". We are grateful to hear that when you did commit, you reaped and is still reaping the fruitfulness of joyful relationships, support and a family of God's people that reflect Christ for each other.

Blessings for continued growth and stretching as you share your life, love, prayers, tears, and fears in community.
Linda Brooks said…
Thank you for sharing Jamika the importance of community to you, and how it has been a blessing to you, and what it actually can mean to others who maybe going thru tough time. And how its impact to others who desire to be a blessing it can be.
Sometimes people think that no one care but being in a community of believers that are not only hearers of the word but are doers of the word by caring for othersneeds in anyway they can is truly a blessing.
Being a recent receipient of being cared for by so many during this season of grief of the loss of my son, i dont know how I would be with the exception of having Christbe walking and getting thru this this very hard difficult time.
So Thank you my dear friend for sharing its meaning to you.
Unknown said…
My dear sister thank you for sharing your inner most thoughts. It was refreshing and uplifting along with a reminder of the importance of community. I remember my times in that very community and I was truly blessed and rewarded in my spirit. I concur, community is very important for inner growth.
Love you,
Minister Amenra ❤️
Unknown said…
Thank you for your transparency, your words has allowed me to see myself in the space I’m in. Your words gave me a vision of what I was Harboring , it was life lifting up off the screen. This faith based community has given me life especially when I was in my dark place of abandonment. W.I.F.E., is a place where you don’t have to wear a mask to make it through the 2 or more hours just to go to your car and feel alone. I left with love, power, joy, understanding, sister love & so much more.
God Bless

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