Psalm 92 : God's Love and Faithfulness

Recently, a head cold which matriculated into much bronchial discomfort ushered me into a "pause". Whether needed or  not, ...well, from my perspective, this time provided me with much opportunities - 3 weeks of rest and sitting still. 
To be quiet honest,  being still is not hard for me, I actually relish in taking intentional pauses and stops along life's journey. Yet, being under the weather is one such pauses which is generated outside your will- you must pause, that is ,slow down, be still in order to heal. 
 Anyways, while giving my mind and body what it needed, there was a huge opportunity for soul. Aye, my soul always enjoys free time to eat more spiritual food, so I took stroll down the road of the Psalms, specifically Ps. 92- a beautiful song ( that would have been sung on the Sabbath) commending praise to our God who is worthy of thankful praise for his faithfulness and goodness. 

 ❓What ?  I ❤ v 1-3 
" It is good to give thanks to the LORD,  to sing praise to your name, Most High, to declare your faithful love in the morning, and your faithfulness at night. With a ten- stringed harp and the music of a lyre. 

❓Why- v 4-5 - 
For you have made me rejoice, Lord , by what you have done; I will shout for joy because of the works of your hands.  How magnificent are your works, Lord , how profound your thoughts!

Thinking about the magnificent works of Lord, renders we weepy with overwhelming gratitude. Me, who on most days is so unfaithful and slow to recognize, much least acknowledge all the ways God is at work in my life- am brought to my knees in worshipful praise and surrender to a wonderful, kind and patient God. He continues to fill my life with all surpassing levels of grace, peace and joy. His goodness causes me to rejoice. Oh praise the wonderful name and person of Christ my Savior.

Even laying on my back, congested and with most of the messiness of a head cold; the handiwork of God through caring family and friends reaches me and reminds me that nothing about me goes unnoticed by him. How he cares for my needs, help my family navigate our routines, especially when I am not physically up to it, is baffling to me. He aligns people and schedules to grace my life with new mercies and favor. Oh, the works of his hands. I see how is for me and mine.

So, stilled by sickness cannot restraint a song of praise and shout of joy because of the works of his hands have satisfied my soul.

💬 TELL ME, how are you giving thanks and praise to the name of the Most High everyday or in each season of life?


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