Spurgeon on Jeremiah 15:16, "Happy is the person who reads the Scriptures and hears the word --- searching all the while for the hidden spiritual sense that is, indeed the voice of God"

This morning I was reminded of how sweet the word of God is to the soul of the believer. As I embarked upon my devotional time of study to include prayer, worship, reading and meditating upon God's Word, I reviewed a most beloved section of scripture, Act 17:11. In this absolutely beautiful section of scripture, we are introduced to a group of men, the "Bereans", who Paul and Silas came to fellowship within Berea. It is documented in scripture that these men were wholly devoted to the study and understanding of God's word for themselves. Here's how they are described, "The people here were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica since they received the word with eagerness and examined the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so."

I've always been so impressed and encouraged by this brief encounter Paul and Silas had with the Bereans. I will even take some liberties in saying, meeting these noble Bereans was quite refreshing to Paul. Their earnest in receiving the word, examining it daily is such an example to us ladies today. A reminder sisters, that we are to handle the Word of God with eager delight, and mine it for all its treasures, namely, its power to save and bring us into the joys of walking with Jesus. Further, there is a preciousness and sweetness that embodies God's word. When we drink deeply and savor its statues, precepts, commands, our soul's thirst is quenched. Our paths are made straight, our burdens lifted and we find warnings as a guidepost for living life. Psalm 19:10 declares,

"More to be desired are they than gold,
even much fine gold;
sweeter also than honey
and drippings of the honeycomb."

So, sisters, we come with an eagerness to examine God's Word, or rather, allow it to examine you for transformation in mind, body, and spirit.  Jeremiah extols, that he has found something of value and life-sustaining worth.  So have we beloved!  We must come to, and handle God's word with an eagerness to mine all the treasures therein,  search its (the Bible) pages until we find gold, even much fine gold. After all, the author, God, calls us to use all our senses to handle his word. Engage the word! Hold it close, realizing the honor and the privilege of having access to a Bible and the plethora of Bible resources available today. Linger long in it, tasting, hearing and seeing the wonders our Mighty God has done, continues to do and will do. Pray passionately that our life is transformed as your mind is renewed for the purpose of walking in delight, joy and the honoring of God. Beloved, no pirate treasure can compare to the mighty deeds of our LORD and GOD, these truths are what saves us and keeps us sealed until the day of Christ's return.

Sisters, "Be a Berean", treasuring the word of God by mining it for all its delight and joy. Prayerfully as we eat the words we read and meditate upon them with the intention to be engaged, be equipped and empowered by them, they do become our DELIGHT and JOY.


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