The Faithful Love of Lord

Sister, are you worn and weary? Feeling like unloved and tried?

Has the journey to stay the course of faith been long and at some points discouraging? Does it seem that your prayers have gone unanswered; your petitions unheard or justice scarce?

If we are honest, there are days, months even seasons when we must preach the gospel to our own hearts. Doing so revives our weary and tired legs, uplift our drooping arms, fills our hearts with hopeful cheer and renews our minds.

The Word of God, the sweet truths of the gospel and only that, can renew and refresh worn and weary hearts. The truth of the gospel and it alone resolves for us that no matter the season, or circumstances that God's faithful love for us never wanes -never ends!   It is in the WORD of God that we find this never-ending love that extends grace and new mercies to us, especially when we feel most desiccated and long for the nourishing flow and rhythm that comes from the streams of living water.

The faithful love of God reminds us that we are His, not forsaken in our tests and trials, that we are not alone to bear our burden and cares. The faithful lovingkindness of God is a balm to our malnourished and feeble hearts, and the only remedy to recalibrate us when we've been worn from our toils.

The hope, dear sisters, is that we stop striving and plotting our own way and path.
Here's my reality, and I wonder if it could possibly be yours. When I'm this depleted, not as often as I use to be, praise God for his intervention, I can trace this feeling to my overextension of self with little time to meet with my Lord and allow His truths to meet me in daily living. I have also realized that my weariness and fatigue is linked to self-sufficiency and a very tunnel vision perspective. By nature, I am a type-A personality, so I am very drawn to proficiency and productivity as high stakes goals. Having everything just so, and operating 24-7 from that paradigm as proof of self-accomplish is a dead end! Stiving like this, with the gospel truths to filter out "self" can grow costly disadvantages emotionally, physically and spiritually. Burn both ends of the candle and lead to burnout and frustration in our family life, relationships and our connection with the LORD.


God's faithful love for us never comes to an end. In fact, they are new every morning- great is HIS faithfulness. Restoring and maintaining this rhythm can only be achieved by doing v 21 "Yet I call this to mind, and therefore I have hope:"  - the author is saying I have to remind myself of this and straightway my hope is renewed. What does he recall to mind, "Because of the LORD’s faithful love
we do not perish, for His mercies never end. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness!

I tell you sister, whenever I recall this diamond truth in scripture, I am renewed immediately and striving ceases. I am immediately pressed to remember whether I fail or fly; sink or swim; mourn or rejoice, God's love for me is unmovable and unstoppable. That his love for me doesn't need a qualifier, He loves me and that's it! I don't need to strive to accomplish this or that, as long as I stay the course of faithfully loving, honoring and worshipping my God- I am already loved, furthermore I'm approved through the finished work of Christ on the Cross.  So I begin to start a subtraction application and remove the not important things I've deems essential; I take away the items and agenda that promotes self and only my interests; I dial back on overwhelming my calendar with meetings/meetups, and just STOP trying to keep up with the social or personal rat race I've set up in my life. Instead, make sure that the first thing is first - meeting with God, and surrounding my agenda, goals, and dreams to him.  Because he loves me, his heart is for all that concerns me; therefore, when I lay these things before him, I find my rhythm and restoration.


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