Adoring Christ Beyond the Holiday Season |Thymelygrace

Pressing Forward 

I am certain if you're like me, about late December, you find yourself fast-forwarding into the New Year. In my case, I find myself thinking of a bucket list of personal, business and ministerial ideas, and of goals, those I need to improve upon or accomplish by God's grace in the coming year. My goals list tends to be categorized in this order  " me- God- others".  Here are a few subtitles on my "God" list, more specifically, areas where I'd like to see spiritual growth:

  • Live out my faith more boldly and courageously
  • Adore God more in my daily life
  • Spend more time in meditating on and memorizing scripture
  • Pray without ceasing   
...Just to name a few. As I try to order these heartfelt convictions, I realize that my number two item really needed to be my number 1. You see, I am fully convicted and resolved in the understanding that when I or any believer makes his or her priority to adore and live in ever-growing affections for our Lord, the offshoot and fruit of this person's life is that it will naturally and orderly express itself boldly and courageously, have deeper and richer times of meditation and successful memorization of scripture and last but not least, it's a life the never ceases to pray.

Adoring Him

'O come let us adore Him, 
O come let us adore him, 
Christ the Lord"

A snapshot of the chorus from the popular and beloved Christmas carol 'O come all ye Faithful' calls us, the faithful, to come and celebrate Christ's birth joyously and triumphantly, come and adore the King of Angels. Somehow, this carol stirs at the core of the believer's heart, as it hammers into our knowing the power of Christ's birth, not created, but begotten in a virgin's womb. As each stanza is sung by the believer, they ignite a celebration of victory, unseen yet teeming within each line that powerful declaration of reasons to Adore. Angels and all the citizens of heaven above together join in the chorus of glorious exultation, singing 'Glory to God in the Highest.'  This celebration is unending, so, how do we disallow this sweet symphony of the heavenly orchestra from ending, last beyond Christmas, and lead us into a year-long of Adoration.

We continue singing, that's how! We keep singing "O come let us adore Him." We return to the basics of living lives that reflect worship. 


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