2018 Summer Reading List - Feed the Soul

During the summer months it can be very easy to drift away in the idea of "the lazy days of summer". This thought often is an easy escape pass to lessen or ignore the feeding of our souls. I admit, I crave the summer months, homeschooling is done with, well at least for a few months, most of my work contracts are winding down, and my schedule boasts the flirtation of "just be". I tend to shut down as much activity as possible, and get lost in the leisure of getting up or laying around at will. 
Though, appreciating a sense of quietness and stillness in the hopes of being recharged for the frantic and demanding season head is not sinful, the drifting and casual allowance of skipping one's spiritual care is a danger.  I've learned in seasons past and present, that my spiritual care is a daily necessity.  It is nurtured in season and out of season, especially in the summer season when everything around me screams, " disable the routine".

Finding what works best...
This might look different for each of us; however the general idea of leisure over what's required is a common temptation for us all. Why not turn the intensity and consistency of our devotional life during the summer, is the internal argument. We rebut justifying, because during the weeks ahead, I'll be focused and on top of my spiritual routine. This issue with this argument that seeks to wage war against of fortified city, the soul, is that it gives us permission to lower our gate and guard and often lose a sense of watchfulness over our souls and that which the Lord calls us to guard with the word and prayer. 

It's in the doing...
How do I combat this desire to lull or take off for the summer? Well, I'd like to say that my routine doesn't change, but must admit it does. While i do not take off caring for my spiritual being, skipping my early morning meeting with my Lord, my content (books, type of devotionals, journals, podcasts etc.) do take on a soul help mode. I tend to catch up on much more reading of books I bought and  intended to read during the Fall, Winter and Spring but didn't get to, and I also incorporate Podcasts and books on audio for  long road trips, beach days or quiet evenings on the porch. In fact, I often reflect and have come to the conclusion that my soul may indeed get more care in the summer season than the other seasons because of my intentionality to do just that...feed my weary, tired and drain soul. So, though I have mid-season personal retreat , the extended weeks of summer provides a delightful opportunity to feed my soul beyond its usual comforts.

Here's a look at some of the books that my bookmarks landed in this summer.

Share some of your options for feeding the soul.


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