Becoming a Woman of the Word

If there be any distinction among us, let it be that we can be highly regarded because of the hungering in our souls for the Word of God.  Many ladies prize beauty, namely physical beauty which requires much adornment with jewelry, makeup and expensive apparel; yet ignore the putting on of divine treasures that will not get worn, torn or become out of style.

At W.I.F.E. we are committed to teaching and equipping women to care for the soul, adorning the inner woman with God's word. This call is not to be contrary to caring for your external appearance; rather, it is our belief that a beautiful soul, watered and nurtured by the Word will exude a radiance eternal glow. It is our belief that God's Word is powerful and mighty; a great source of encouragement to lives that so easily succumb to external woes such as low-self esteem, fear of man, living up to status quos and the varied temptations that the world draws us to daily. The Word...a hunger for it, is the only solution to fighting against the world's call to invest more on your "outter woman" than you "inner woman".

Women who love the Word, become like the tree described in Jeremiah 17:8 "She is like a tree planted by water, that sends out its roots by the stream, and does not fear when heat comes, for its leaves remain green, and is not anxious in the year of drought, for it does not cease to bear fruit.”  A women who daily mediates upon God's Word is a secure and confident daughter of the Father, who allows the good news of scripture to replenish and nourish her all the days of her life.  Psalm 1:3 echoes the same encouragement, "S(he) is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers." This woman is a fruitful woman who has fruitful. I can only imagine that this fruitfulness extends to other women, she is able to share -pass on if you will the truth she has learned and trust to other women. She is vibrant and steady in every season; her age is not a hinderance or issue because the vitality of God's Word keeps her the text states, " her leaves wither not".  

Ladies, I encourage you all to start every day with a the Word. Cultivate a love for it's truth and hope. Decide today to each daily from the great table God has spread for us, and the anointing that he desires to richly flow in our lives as we partake of his riches of goodness and mercy. Our Father has prepared a choice meal for us, and it is our privilege to respond with gratitude and delight as we partake in it.

Lastly, a love for God's Word also heightens our prayer life. As we pray back God's word to him, it is that which he inclines to because he honors his word. Eating much of the word ,"hiding it in your heart", allows for a spilling out of the Word, which aligns with God's will; hence drawing him to meet you in divine mercy.  Read the word and read it daily!


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