Advent, A Season of Prayer, Penitence, Preparation

Advent begins -  November 29, 2015

                   Week 1: Advent 2015

As Advent begins today, I pray that more and more Christians will utilized it's symbolic and historical benefits to quiet their hearts during this season especially of much hustling and bustling.

Advent , reaches far and wide in its expressions and symbolic meaning to the Church dating back to the fifth century. However, whether you are Catholic, Protestant, Evangelical, Presbyterian or or worship under any of the other diverse denomination that we as Americans are privileged to do; there is an enriching benefits that every soul can partake in and be better because of as a result of utilizing the tradition of Advent as a means to punctuate one's perspective and movement during the holiday season.

The Advent Season, gives persons and families an opportunity to consider again, meditate upon and draw near to the "reason for the season" . Through the reading of scripture, prayer , singing of songs, family gathering to fellowship and be thankful and a host of other Advent related activities that can be tailors for for family schedule , many hearts and minds are gainfully redirected to the Christ of Christmas.

The celebration of Advent in our home for the last fourteen years (14), has been a source of building stronger family ties and fellowship as Christ takes center stage in our evenings of prayer, singing, games and fellowship. Memories are created for young children as the truth of the Gospel gets implanted through the coloring pages and singing of hymns and carols. Supremely, Christ is glorified and the Gospel is clarified as the Advent Season takes everyone on the journey to either discover or rediscover God's amazing love for us.

So, this season I encourage you to learn more about Advent, its origins, the why and how to celebrate Advent in your home as a means to be more considerate of Christ and of God's love for us by sending Christ on the very first Christ. Here is the glorious HOPE, as you and I celebrate Advent year after year, its greatest symbol to us and those around us, makes a huge and wonderful declaration, that is, we anticipate Him coming again!  The english word Advent, derives from the latin word meaning "Coming". Hence, the celebration of Advent  is the anticipatory preparation and expectation of Jesus' second coming. Wow! Wow! How exciting and hopeful.

Be Blessed this Advent season.


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