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                       The Valley Of Vision: A Prayer of Love

Thy name is love,
in love receive my prayer.
My sins are more than the wide sea’s sand,
but where sin abounds,
there is grace more abundant.
Look to the cross of thy beloved Son,
and view the preciousness of his atoning blood;
Listen to his never-failing intercession,
and whisper to my heart, ‘Thy sins are forgiven,
be of good cheer, lie down in peace.’
Grace cataracts from heaven and flows forever,
and mercy never wearies in bestowing benefits.
Grant me more and more
to prize the privilege of prayer,
to come to thee as a sin-soiled sinner,
to find pardon in thee,
to converse with thee;
to know thee in prayer as
the path in which my feet tread,
the latch upon the door of my lips,
the light that shines through my eyes,
the music of my ears,
the marrow of my understanding,
the strength of my will,
the power of my affection,
the sweetness of my memory.
May the matter of my prayer be always
wise, humble, submissive,
obedient, scriptural, Christ-like.
Give me unwavering faith
that supplications are never in vain,
that if I seem not to obtain my petitions
I shall have larger, richer answers,
surpassing all that I ask or think.
Unsought, thou hast given me
the greatest gift, the person of thy Son,
and in him, thou wilt gives me all I need.


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