Studying Scripture: How's Your Spiritual Health?


"When we consider the question of our occupation, we must not lose sight of the big picture. As the Puritans insisted, our primary calling is to live a godly life. Our occupation is not the most important thing in life, though our own culture would have us believe that it is. No job that hinders our spiritual development can be the right one. And if the personal satisfaction we find in our job leaves a lot to be desired, we must remember that it is, after all, a secondary consideration to the life of faith and holiness.   Leland Ryken

What are your vital signs?
Use this self-diagnostic test to check your spiritual health.
(H is Healthy, Q is Questionable, S is Sick)

Heart (Pr 4:23)
H❏ Q❏ S❏
Eyes (Ps 123:1-2;Heb 12:2)
H❏ Q❏ S❏
Ears (Pr 2:1-2;Is 50:4)
H❏ Q❏ S❏
Lungs (Ps 150:6)
H❏ Q❏ S❏
Blood pressure (Php 4:6-7)
H❏ Q❏ S❏
Oral hygiene (Jas 3:3-10)
H❏ Q❏ S❏
Hand-eye coordination (Jas 2:14-17)
H❏ Q❏ S❏
Body odor (2Co 2:14-16)
H❏ Q❏ S❏ 


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