The Gospel, Make Much of Its Truths Daily

This week our roundtable discussion took us along the path of "Never Forget", that is never forgetting the truth of the glorious good news of Jesus Christ and Him Crucified.

Forgetting these truth, would be a detrimental to believers as not putting oil in ones car. Soon corrosion and damage results, even to the extent of irreparable damage to the engine and more likely than not there is an outrageous expense associated with the repairs which quickly points out blaringly how foolish it is not to take the time to service our cars. Now, the same is true for the life of a believer. We thrive as Christian because we are intentional about maintaining the foundations of our most sacred trust, Christ Jesus and Him Crucified. We do all to renew our minds daily on truths of the Word that ensures that the corrosion of the world does not make us rusty and useless to the Master. The Good News is that refreshing lubricating grace (anointed oil) that keeps our engine turning, our spark plugs sparking and our motor revving I joy filled surety of who we are and whose we are. 

In Chapter 2 of Living the Cross Centered Life a great deal of attention and emphasis is being hammered into the thoughts of actives readers to "not forget what was done for us at the Cross". For be being consciously and presently aware of this profound, yet real exchange of  Christ being the only acceptable vessel to bear the penalty of our sins, which required death; and we getting off death row scotch free, in every way that matters informs and changes our lives.  The remarkable good news of such gracious love and pardon, is what Paul in his final letter to Timothy so passionately seek to convey.

He , the Apostle Paul in 2 Timothy  makes way for his departure from this world; but again seek to remind Timothy of the awesome charge to herald the gospel at every opportunity and to remind himself of it often. In 1 Timothy 1: 11-12 the Apostle makes a bold and joy filled restatements of a life lived guided by the Good News. Verse 13 screams from the page, "What you heard from me, keep as the pattern of sound teaching, with faith and love in Christ Jesus." 

I believe, we too much feel the screams of the Apostle's passion through this verse. We must keep what we have heard as the pattern of sound teaching. Do not deviate from Christ, and Him Crucified for sinners. As he restated to Timothy, he is still speaking to present day believers, as we contend for the faith, " 14 Guard the good deposit that was entrusted to you—guard it with the help of the Holy Spirit who lives in us." 

There has been a deposit entrusted to us, which is directly tied to our victory in Christ Jesus as we live out this life. f we neglect, disregard our squander the deposit we will find ourselves in elbow high and knee deeps mess. Keeping the truth of the Gospel fresh in our hearts and mind guides our lives, and aides us in righteous and godly living. Being Pauline in our journey in the faith , leaved us with joy filled resolve in the trust and the power of Christ.

Paul, make the Cross a centerpiece in his life and ministry. It wasn't a cross reference, or something to add to whatever else he was teaching or preaching about; the Cross of Christ and Christ himself was central to all he did. As a matter of fact, everything else was derived from, had foundation on, related to the reality that Jesus Christ died so that sinners (like you and me) would be reconciled to God and be forgiven by God. (1)

Reflection for this week

What is the centerpiece of your life/ ministry?

How are you ensuring that you "Never Forget"?

If you are forgetting, who or what can you engage to help you remember?

(1) C. J Mahaney, Mulrnomah Publishers, Inc. (2002  The Cross Centered Life) 11





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