OVERSHARING ON SOCIAL MEDIA, Words You may Live to Regret.

About a month ago or so, we visited the topic of "OVER-SHARING" , and some of you chimed in with perspectives that were quite along the lines of W.I.F.E's thoughts, observations and conclusions on the matter.  

As a ministry and a resource  called in assignment to ENCOURAGE , ENGAGE, EQUIP AND EMPOWER women to live at the plumb line of biblical truth and walk in freedom of this truth , we will not grow tired nor  will we be too quick to table this topic and it's relevance in our lives. We believe, timely and consistent caution must be issued with hopes that someone reading our posts, visiting this group page would be ENCOURAGED and ENGAGED to review and consider their use of social media. 

In growing in wisdom, let us work and be committed to develop real face to face, accountable relationships off social media, so that when life crunches, or crisis arise, we have people we can access...(I call these friends, my (911-friends)  These select , tried and faithful friends are ones ,who will Allow me to vent ( spill the beans without judgment) , Redirect and Remind (encourage me in biblical truth) and Hold me accountable ( will not let me off the hock of truth and will check in on my progress to obey truth). 

Listen, the folks we allow to critique our lives on social media , don't have time to engage you for growth- they have their own problems/live's they are projecting as "peachy"; they/ we (some of us) stalk FB-Twitter etc- and use the "like buttons" as a power tool to approve or disapprove, without interest beyond the moment.  Some of "your friends /friends of friends" like to see your distress and chaotic life. As a matter of fact, these  "OVER-SHARED" posts can be used as ammunition to confirm the running dialog about you. (yes, gossip).. and they will come back to haunt you. 

Having Marital Issue?
Need a Man- Want a Man?
Disgusted with folk-job-church-church folk?

Before you write-speak your next post in your status bar THINK-

T-Thought provoking, leading to growth in others
H- helpful to those who will read it (or will the responses help you)
I- Inspiring (causing people to want to get up and do, grow, live)
N- is what's being said/posted necessary. ( or are we drawing attention to our self. This goes for all those "selfies" too)
K- are our words kind. Too many of us are using our posts to engage in a "war of words". The aim of speaking is to stab, get back at, drop innuendos. This is cowardly! 

Check this article out that I found , as I was thinking more deeply on the epidemic of OVER-SHARING " in Social Media-dom.     FACEBOOK TRIES TO stop PEOPLE from OVER-SHARING


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