Spring (Sow. Position. Repair. Invest. Nurture. Grow)

My prayer for you today, is that your recognize the change of the seasons in your life as you observe those in nature. Spring in the natural signifies a rebirth; renewal; blooming/blossoms. May it be so in the Spirit.

PRAYER:  Father send revival to every area of our lives until we are overtaken and overwhelmed by your loving mercy and grace.

Now, Let's look deeper into S-P-R-I-N-G

SOW: Spring speaks to planting time. In the natural  many farmers and gardeners are preparing seeds/seedlings to sow into the earth; I pray you have seed you're planting in this new season. As in the natural, so it should be in the spiritual.  spring time is a great time to sow  seeds of faith and trust in the Lord. Setting up a firm foundation for a healthy harvest is key to the prosperity to the fruit we are seeking to reap. Identify areas in your life where seeds of faith and trust needs to be planted.

Understand, everything changes whether you are ready for that change or not. However, assuming the right position and posture will ensure that our seasons are all together lovely and blessed. Positioning oneself to hear from God, everyday and all day is vital in every season. What an awesome opportunity that Spring brings to us, in that we have  new mercies and grace to start anew. So, why not start in the best position that yields the best and most rewarding harvest? That is, start at the foot of Cross, and let's its embers set you ablaze with love and delight in God's goodness. Having the right posture, being humble and meek ; confessing sins; surrendering all to Christ Jesus opens our hearts to receive God's best.

REPAIR: Sowing in faithful and trust; positioning and posturing are complementary to the repair that is needed in our hearts. The seasons before Spring can be very harsh, especially winter; leaving us bear and blistered from the winds, snow, and cold naturally and even in the spirit.  Many, need the gentle care of the Good Shepherd in the Spring time to lead us into green pastures and besides still waters so we may repair ad replenish. We can often find ourselves, weary and tried from the harsh falls and winters of life; but come Spring, the promise of rain and sunlight warms our hearts and hopes spring within us.

INVEST: To many, investing may conjure the same meaning as sowing. However, investing goes beyond just sowing, there is a progressive and enduring work that is involved in investing. Investing is more than putting a seed in the ground or your soul; maybe we water that seed, perhaps we don't. Some people sow a seed, and forget that the seed was even planted.  When one invests, it  requires a commitment to tend to the investment. The general meaning of invest is," to spend or devote for future advantage or benefit" ; as in the natural example of one investing much time and energy in getting a good education. Likewise, in the spirit, so should the believer spend or devote for future advantage or benefit. As Winter wanes and the promises of Spring chirps, buzz, rains, buds all about us; we can use the hopefulness of the season to get serious about investing much time and energy in the kingdom of God. Seeking first the kingdom and His righteousness of eternal advantage and benefit to a wise and obedient soul.

NURTURE: After we have invested time and energy into what we've sown , we must be intentionally careful that we remain diligent to nurture the various ways God allows His Word to spring forth in our lives. We must not allow for complacency to set in, or familiarity to rot new growth, stunting their ability to prosper in the season God has ordained. Beloved, it is paramount that we tend to the soils of our soils on a consistent and permanent basis, as opposed to the casual ways in which we are often guilty of doing.
                                                   HOW DO WE NURTURE:
  • Ground yourself in a gospel-centered church
  • Get a bible translation that you understand
  • Graze day and night upon truth
  • Grow in faith, as Take God at His Word
GROW: When you are firmly rooted, and being care for by the true vine ( John 15:1-8) , there is no way you will not see growth: Gratitude - Righteousness -Obedience -Wisdom- Truth- Holiness


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