RECAP: Fellowship Friday -Transparency Reloaded

Our first meeting of 2014 was a lovely, easy time of fellowship.  As always, it was a delight to see all the ladies who purposed in their hearts to be in fellowship. The time goes by so fast!

At this time of year, we need more impactful and meaningful interactions with our fellow sisters. In pursuit of lifelong accountability and biblical relationships, we have cycled back to a helpful tool our ministry has used for years to become more relational to each other.

We aim to become more involved in each other's lives through intentional dialogue and weekly interactions via email, text, and other social platforms.
The attempt, intentional and guided, is to aid us in the process of developing honest dialogues, creating safe and accountable relationships, and providing opportunities for spiritual growth.
Transparency is essential in a group like ours that seeks to encourage, engage, equip, and empower women to live cross-centered lives. To truly address the heart issues and benefit from the truths of the gospel, we must unmask. So many of us come to fellowship with so many barriers to the process of healing together that we sabotage ourselves and others as we fellowship.


  1. We do not expose our true selves and heart.
  2. We do not allow ourselves to be challenged or expose questionable areas of our lives to the truth.
  3. We only allow some people in, and even those people have limited access and clearance to pursue.
  4. We present only issues/topics that are genetic and surface.
  5. We fellowship from the shoreline (limited interaction, little said, little offered), never venturing into the deep (becoming vulnerable/transparent). 
  6. We spectate rather than participate.
  7. We look for faults rather than solutions.
  8. We are defensive and guarded rather than proactively involved in change.
  9. We withdraw without notice or concern about how our behaviors affect others.
  10. We do not see how our love for and pursuit of God affects the community of believers.
  11. We have limited membership to Christianity (when it suits us).

Becoming available and accessible for fellowship consistently. The Bible states, "He who wants a friend must show himself friendly.")
Welcoming accountability at the risk of being exposed.
Telling the truth about ourselves and our circumstances as the spirit guides and directs.
Pledging to fully access Christianity and investing in the lives of God's people.

Of course, leading transparent lives is only one of the many benefits to the body of believers we fellowship with daily or weekly. Transparency gives us authorized access to each other's lives and enables committed cross-centered support and encouragement. 

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