"Have a little faith"

"Have a little faith".

HEBREW 11: 6 "And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him."

Often times, we forget that our journey begins and will end with our omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent God. We start off believing, but somewhere along the journey, we begin to waver in believing that all things are possible in Christ Jesus our Savior and Redeemer.  We often become so undone when things don't work out the way we hope or plan, and in those moments of collapsed human effort, we become quickly dissolution  to believe that the power of God is not sufficient to carry us through or to work out our impossibilities.
"Where is your faith? "

Hebrews 11:6 is calling us to rememberance and clarity. It is reminding us that having faith is pleasing to God, and that it is quite difficult to approach Him without faith. It clarifies the gray area in the life of many believers. The gray area? Yes, that area that is hazy with disbelief and discouragement due to life's setbacks and tragedies, disappointments and regrets . The gray area is where the believer begins to doubt that God really exists, and worries that He will not show up or work out our situations. The gray area is fear and anxiety that what you thought you believe may not be true!
Hebrews 11:6, screams, "believer remember you're are not believing in things and people to come through for you ; your faith and confidence that the matters concerning you will work out for your good is deeply rooted in your faith in the Almighty...that HE EXISTS AND THAT THE MORE YOU SEEK HIM SINCERELY , ALL WILL BE MADE CLEAR, AND WHOLE. Your faith believer should remain in the one and only reliable source of strength, power and life. He will not forsake, forget, nor fail. He is consistently true to his WORD, and relentlessly obsessed with his own; hence, those who are His have nothing to fear or be anxious about.
The test , regardless of the result is still in his control; the need that seems so overwhelming and reveals no apparent way out, he will supply; the marriage that is so broken and to the natural eye has no hope of survivng, He can repair; the prodigal who seems to have lost his/her way home is always on the map of the Creator; the ill parent, the out of control disease or ailment, the latest bad news, the state of the world are ALL IN HIS CONTROL..."Have a little faith."

The best reward or results manifest in the believer's life when we do all to trust in God. When we invest in every possible tool available in the natural world that will aide our faith in the divine- seek Him earnestly , we find the right solution for every problem and realize God is real and ready to work on our behalf. There is nothing too hard, or impossible for him.  To earnestly and sincerely seek him though, will often mean to strategically cut the cords that binds us to this world so tightly.  The truth many believers seems to ignore is that you cannot be in the world (physical presence), and of the world ( taking on its values , principles, norms) at the same time. To God that comes in conflict with trusting and obeying him. Christ's death and resurrection is a resounding note to the believer that he has delivered his chosen people from the values, principles, norms of the world ; therefore, our mindset and belief cannot be "worldly based. The believers rewards, successes, hope and promises are not founded in world concepts and ideology, but upon the supreme laws and proclamation of God.  The trials and tribulations, tests and trouble of the world may affect the believer we live in the world, but we have a God who is about this enmity. Once you became a Christian, everything about you is not in direct violation of the world; hence you are hated by it and you should hate it.

JOHN 15:19 states, "The world would love you as one of its own if you belonged to it, but you are no longer part of the world. I chose you to come out of the world, so it hates you." The world has all its entrapping that will convince you that the God you cannot see doesn't really exist, and it offers you visuals replacements. The world will offer you quick fixes, and well educated philosophers to speak to your troubled mind, the world will offer you it's best pharmaceuticals and medications and tell you believe in this and that right before your eyes. The world will even pacify your faith with gestures like, " it okay to believe, but don't be foolish- don't bet all your chips on a God you can't see".  Beloved, it is a must that faith arise in you and me. We must "have a little faith" that God is real and the world is wrong. That there is no compromise for the believer in Christ Jesus, neither are there shortcuts and room for doubting God. The believer cannot allow his/ her emotion to dictate his belief or redirect her gaze upon God. God will do exactly what he promises in his time. He will heal in his own way; restore by his guidelines, work it all out for your good according to his will and the bigger eternal plan. "Have a little faith"


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