What's Winsome About Me? | Thymelygrace

WHAT's WINSOME ABOUT ME, Does my Character reflect Christ?

Winsome, what is that? Most of our everyday language doesn't utilize this wonderfully eloquent and lofty word to beautify our speech. If you know me long enough, you'd realize by now that, I am very much into words, and finding /sourcing the best of the best, inappropriateness, to make the most impact in my engagement with those with whom I interact.  Today the "not often used" word being sourced here is "winsome", which means attractive or appealing in appearance or character.  In the context of this post, it would translate, What's attractive or appealing about my character, which would draw people to hear about Christ"

Today, and it should go without saying, every day in the believer's life is, and should be about displaying Christ for the watching world. We ought to be about the business of living our FAITH out loud and presenting a contagious Gospel to all people. We are image-bearers of God, and his spirit lives in us, so when people encounter or engage us, not only should our speech gladly proclaim "the HOPE" that is in us; but our character (who we are, when no one is watching) should also speak and confirm that we are disciples of Christ.


May I have your attention for a few moments, tune out the distractions for just a second. What do I offer in using words like winsome/ contagious? Well, winsome specifies admiration and attractiveness. Contagious denotes a spreading, a catching of something.

  • As a Christian is your life lived out loud with attractiveness or appeal that points to the Gospel? 
  • Is there an aura about you that draws people to you, to seek out what you are about? 
  • Do people feel free to inquire of the light that glows in you; hence are motivated to explore what makes you tick. 
  • What characteristics of the divine nature of Christ are being shone on or in the lives of those around you? 
  • What do people say of you? 
  • Better yet, will someone become a better Christian because you live close and hard by biblical truth?  
  • Would you say that unbelievers find your life a true witness to Christ? So much so that they want to surrender their lives to Him?.

Believe it or not, this infectious Christian winsome-ness is probably more subtle than most would think. In being winsome, the goal is never to be arrogant, ignorant nor impatient. It's not "pulpiteering" and peddling the gospel, which oftentimes reveals that we don't even practice what we're sharing, and preaching.  Rather, it's a life that is genuinely involved in acts of kindness, exhibits consideration of others above self,  and one that unapologetically speaks with the resolve of the objective truths of God.

The Bottom line

"Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven. (Matthew 5:16)

In far too many cases times among believers, the expression and delivery of our faith are quite boring and/or lackluster. In some cases, our delivery of the Gospel appears too over the top - Charismatic and sensationalist to believe by anyone. The result, unfortunately, leads to non-effective Christian winsome-ness. The question then arises,  Who wants to believe in your Jesus, by looking at you or hearing you speak? Which co-worker or fellow commuter seek you out as a person of faith?

Think that these are weird questions to ask or propose? Absolutely not, the inquiry is intended to NOT shame us for not doing the practice of being winsome well or to have you feel guilty; rather, it is to point us to a lived on display for the glory and praise of God. None of us are doing "Christianity", walking out our faith perfectly and satisfactory based on God's standards. Hence, the need for grace upon grace, every second of the day. Yet, we cannot ignore that in spite of our shortcomings God still wants to use us in his Big Story to draw a few folks to Himself. It's unbelievable, isn't it? Yes, but true!   God uses our stories of being lost, now found; blind but now see; prodigal, but now a child of God; an enemy of God, now a friend of God to make an appeal to the lost and dying around you and more importantly in your life.  Hence, you must be "easy to spot".

Throughout biblical history, those who were followers of Christ, in life and after his death and resurrection were "easy to spot"; there was a fire upon their lives.  They were not ashamed of the gospel, they were not timid,  and in spite of possible persecution/ push back from popular thought/ mainstream ethos/ cultural tyranny...they keep to the script that Christ Jesus is Savior and Lord.

Beloved, if we are not treasuring the power - authority- divine nature of Christ...no one else will! If our lives are not illuminated by the radiance of Christ, for we are abiding in Him, how will those around us get an antidotal dose of the HOPE that saves, and sets free from the punishment of sin?

What will you do today to make known the joy that is within you? 

Dear sister, this is a serious matter. We must see every arena  (brick and mortar and the virtual) in which we interact as the "mission field", which we all have been called to, through the great commission. Some of us will not get an opportunity to travel to " a mission field", or street evangelism is not the tool you most feel comfortable using to tell others about Jesus.  Well, that leaves you --your talk and follow-through (walk) should communicate to the watching world that you prize Christ Jesus as your only treasure.


The Christian is a walking billboard that reflects and transmits the love of Christ; hence, our diligence to be winsome, because we live knowledgeable of the idea that we may be the only access to Gospel truth that our family, friends, and neighbors will allow. Authentically reflecting the fruits of the Spirit ( Gal. 5: 22-23) not in perfection, but with humility and gratitude to God who enables us through his Holy Spirit to do so; is attractive and appealing.

What attribute of God will you work on reflecting today? Remember, someone's watching! So be ready to tell (answer) of this glorious and living HOPE within you. (1 Peter 3:15)


Jo said…
Thank you! Always an encouragement.

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