Rediscovering the Way: Return to Treasuring the Christ (PT 1)

 Psalm 16
I say to the Lord, “You are my Lord; apart from you I have no good thing.”

 For the last year, Women in Fellowship and Encouragement have purposed to really uproot/ sort out ourselves, and be re-established in the most essential truth of our faith; that is, apart from Christ, him preached and glorified in our lives we are nothing. As David states in the 16th Psalm, "You are my Lord, and apart from you I have no good thing".

It has been our growing desire to really evaluate ourselves, and determine how close or afar off we are from Living a Cross Centered Life.  Our journey at the beginning of the year (2013), began by really surveying the Way of Christ; unpacking His truths, taught and exemplified in His life on earth; and treasuring the delightful inheritance (eternal life) procured for us on the Cross. The daily pursuit and discipline has truly been life transforming, mind renewing and spiritually satisfying.

For the believers on this journey, our faith is being redefined by gospel truths, even re-established in many. Hence; we have been a body more confidently compelled to share the Gospel to the unbelievers.  For too long many of our "spirituality" have been mundane, stagnant, even non-existent; but the result of  longing for more of God; the abandonment of the ideology " What can God do for me?" and moving the proactive measure of "How Shall I avail myself to God" ushers forth an awakening in the mind, body and soul. 

Consequently, believers find ourselves no longer content with sitting on pews, and there is renewed desire for the movement, guidance, leading of the Holy Spirit which results increased value of Christ. Rediscovering (to dig deeper, study in depth, reflecting upon ) the Way of Christ,  is  not a seasonal duty of the believer, rather, it is should be a daily pursuit to attain knowledge of God's divine plan, and to be apprehended by such knowledge. Refreshing our gaze of the cross, re-establishing ourselves with the purpose for our existence, that is ,"the chief end of man is to glorify God with our lives" and to abide in the boundaries of this truth set before us, leads to an all sufficient soul- satisfying portion in Him. David declares in verse 5-6, 

"Lord, you alone are my portion and my cup;
    you make my lot secure.
  The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;
    surely I have a delightful inheritance."

Be encouraged to read the Psalm in it's entirety and highlight all the ways David delighted in God. PSALM 16    Also REFLECT on our Rediscovery text John 14:5-6 and evaluate for yourself how close or afar off you are from the Way of Christ.


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