What's Next in Rediscovering the Way: W.I.F.E.'s 4th Quarter


Deidra Rich said…
Why is WIFE important to your spiritual growth?
At a season in my life , my spiritual walk, where I was basically existing and going through the motions in every aspect of my life. Performing tasks and accomplishing assignments because it was what need to be done. But no real Joy. No real experience of God's Presence. Having tasted and seen He is truly good " I was still lost, lukewarm , stagnate, but not willing to press. WIFE HAS BEEN A LIFELINE OF GRACE EXTENDED TO ME ! And continues to be. A place where the main focus is God. Acceptance is evident. Love is present. He word is rich. The goals to enrich our walk and prepare for Kingdom work are supported. The exalting of the Savior the lifting up of His Name, the worship, the strategy of prayer, all of this is truly made me feel like GOD KNOWS MY NAME AND HAS NOT FORGOTTEN MY! It has caused me to rise and run( good days or bad) WHEN NOTHING ELSE WOULD HELP , love, GOD! WIFE LIFTED ME!

What do you tell others by WIFE ? What do you pride yourself in sharing?
Knowing through conversation or observation that so many others are experiencing similar lack in their lives , I have boasted about what God has blessed me to find. Not that I am always so giving but I really believe sharing WIFE COULD ONLY not only improve others but broaden my circle of wonderful women. I also told my husband of the wonderful time I have when I drag in from NOTE. Still Smiling

Do you share the vision ? What is the vision
Yes. The fact that WIFE is not the normal women's ministry. It not only serves women but empowers us to serve,equips us with tools to be enriched in our walk with God and serve the Kingdom. It amazing because we are from different churches, of different ages, life experience , economic status . We all chase God , while learning of His love , basking in His love , overcoming , while supporting . Modeling what is written about the early church .

Fellowship ? What is fellowship ?
Without cheating ( dictionary) gathering of people with like minds uplifting and encouraging one another while having goals , assignments and fun.

Who holds you accountable and /who do you hold you accountable to biblical truth?
? Those I hold bible study with in Dance ministry ?? I believe it's The Holy Spirit tho , cause most times they admit it is rich, and I recognize the responsibility I have . But only a few follow through to read ( check) and receive for the selves although I always encourage it.
Only those who sow into my Spirit and counsel me do I actually expect biblical truth and I normally follow through to read and receive myself .

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