W.I.F.E.'s Call: Revival to Prayer

Three (3) years ago, as I surveyed the landscape of my spiritual community, which I'm very involved in as an ambassador of Christ to serve women, I saw a dryness and deadness that broke my heart. Through those very lenses, I saw that many in the Christian community walking aimlessly through life without inner confidence and awareness of the power that resides in them, that is, the Holy Spirit. I also saw that many ( my peers and those I serve on a daily basis) struggled to produce fruit through the pursuit of various spiritual virtues and disciplines, especially through the discipline of prayer.

In a lament before Lord, as to why the everyday Christian ( my brothers and sisters) were so dry and dead, it was resolved in my spirit that there needed to be an "inner revival by turning back to God".  I somehow felt a responsible pull to take a closer look at the issue I was seeing. I had at that time been serving Women in Fellowship and Encouragement as President and Founder for five (5) plus years and was doing various teachings and activities on pray and its power in a believer's life. Namely, hosting opportunities for prayer via a teleconferencing call on Wednesday evenings and Sunday mornings. 

Many were drawn to the refreshing nature of these teleconference encounters and testified of how much they desired more of these opportunities to pray with other believers who were passionate and earnestly seeking God. In many dialogs pertaining to the prayer calls and the renewal felt by many, I realized that many Christians like myself were seeing an increasing overshadowing of paralysis (ineffectiveness in the spirit of God, inability to connect and do God's will on a daily basis, and a lack of commitment and consistency to study the Word of God) taking over their Christian friends, churches, and communities. To put it even simpler, not only are we powerless, sin has been advancing amongst us. Many in the Christian community, had in recent years become more tolerant to mainstream culture and demanding less spiritual purity and the will of God. We now see that compromise of any kind, especially those that violate an earnest and passionate pursuit of God leads to death in the inner man.

Hence, with all this in plain sight, the desire to do something about it produced a within my heart and mind. So I began with praying more intentionally and read more and more on prayer. I read investigatively for evidence of effectiveness and power that availed from the fervent prayers of believers through the bible and into the present day. I studied Moses, Abraham, Nehemiah,  Hezekiah, Elijah, The disciple's prayer, and  Jesus' prayers and the result of prayer in the lives of our ancestors and Lord. I read works on prayer by Charles H.Spurgeon, E.M Bounds, and others to gain a deeper experience and evidence in a more modern and relative time.
As prayer and study increased, I kept hearing a familiar passage 2 Chronicles 7:14, "

if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land." This text began to serve as lead and charge in my crusade for Revival through Prayer.

The vision seemed to take feet and wings through this command and imperative from the Most High God. Not long after, as the vision was being manifest, I saw that my passion and desire for revival would take on a bold and daring initiative, that is, calling any and everyone who desired to pray and find the power of fervent prayer to assemble in one place for corporate prayer. Hence, the birth of the first "Prayers That Availeth Much" breakfast was in July 2011.

Consequently, this mission surfaced: "The Mission of the "Prayer That Availeth Much" Breakfast is "to create an atmosphere for prayer that violates the boundaries created through denominational affiliations, religiosity, and other religious traditions and practices that have separated the body of Christ. With God's guidance and help, this encounter will draw people to pray and proclaim their dependency on God. This encounter will demonstrate the unifying and harmonious benefits of prayer, through actually praying together, praying for each other, and by the facilitation of teaching about prayer. This encounter will draw us to humility and submission to the will of God. To the glory and honor of our God."

Through God's faithfulness and our continued pursuit of him, we have seen healing in our lives, the lives of family and friends,  and our communities. It is through the faithfulness of God and his grace that we are passionately motivated to forsake self-dependency and reliance on ourselves and others and draw to him for the revival we need on a daily basis.


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