To Be or not Be Prosperous

In the wealthy river of prosperity swims the parasite pride, self exaltation, self-sufficiency. The twenty first century, even with the melodramas in the financial arena, has been one of the most prosperous era to live in. Though past generations have seen wealth , this century has seen wealth in all genres of living, and widespread in classes. So as in days of old, the rich was rich and their class amassed and managed familial and cooperative wealth; the aristocracy was known and separate and wealth moved in those circles for years; however, that picture of wealth has drastically changed with the innovations of technology, arts and entertainment , sports and perhaps more people having more access to resources.

The twenty first century has produced a subclass of " the young and wealthy", that is, their wealth is not comprised of inherited money but rather through talent , skill and event charisma ( likability in the marketplace). Hence, the aristocracy that had been esteemed for centuries is much more diversified. There is a smaller margin between the have and have nots, and the class and gender status in terms of wealth has almost declassified. In addition to the change in who has been wealthy for ages, even decades , because of inherited gains and who is now wealthy due to variables in the marketplace such as celebrity status, and what's defined as in high demand of; there is also a high push for individual wealth based on one's entrepreneurial gifting. Bottom lines, "everyone wants to be prosperous." By whatever means, the twenty first century's cultural mindset is that prosperity is at the top of being defined as successful, memorable, purposeful, and impactful. Now, with all that's already said, this discussion is not to say prosperity is bad or unattainable by some or not other. It is not to present an argument to abhor being rich, wealthy or prosperous; it is instead developed to look at prosperity from an under evaluated view, and that is Prosperity can have negative benefits. You maybe thinking, How is this even possible? Well read on for a reasonable explanation.

Prosperity can have negative effects and result in idolatry ( the worship of money and possessions) and adultery ( self worship or making other people a priority over God) in the sight of God. God himself, is Jehovah Jireh. He provides all our needs according the His riches in Glory. Everything was made for him and by him , and there is nothing made that was not made by him. (Col 1:16) so there is nothing we can attain that does not originate from him. Not only is God Jehovah Jireh, but he is the maker and manager of all if creation, which includes, natural and human resources.

That's the same for the Christian and non-Christian. The difference here is that the Christian knows his source, and the non-Christian credits self sufficiency. However, more and more of the cultural views on prosperity have seeped into mainstream Christianity. This is a growing concern that should not be ignored by those in the Christian faith., this seeping in of mainstream ideology and practice. Many pulpits are echoing the prosperity message and the idea that God's plan for the Christian while he is on earth is that he should not be poor, but wealthy...prosperous. After all our God is wealthy, he's a King and we are "the King's kids". At first sight, I'd say this is so right, even correct; however , is this biblically sound theology? Prosperity without right accreditation to the sources can lead to negative effects. Prosperity teaching and thinking which does not honor God, and centered on God lead to consequences of self exaltation, pride, and self sufficiency.

Deuteronomy 8: 14
Then your heart will become proud and you will forget the LORD your God.

Prosperity without humility and a God-centered mindset leads to a "puffed up" - proud spirit.

Christians and non-christian alike share similar desires for prosperity. " No one wants to be poor , that is, (at the national poverty line or middle class)". As a matter of fact blue collar workers can barely get by, and those who were once white collars are now working at blue collars salary. All the result of more work for skills and same if not lower pay. If, we are honest we will admit that on a personal level, the ambition that drives us is based on a disdain for poverty. Most of us, from our youth it has been imprinted into our thought life that the amount to education one has will take us far and farther away from a poor life. Our realities prove that truth a constant. when we look all around us, we see the fruits or lack of fruits in the educated and uneducated. We see the results of the highly ambitious and the "go getters". Because we have become a driven culture, there is a constant bar or standard to break. Not only are we having more access to resources or even wealth, but we are doing everything possible to maintain it. In our drive to gain and maintain this wealth we often become very self involved, self absorbed and self focused. We can also find that , this intense drive can isolate us , and cause us to ignore the noise being made by the those less fortunate than ourselves.

Both christian and non-christian would perhaps squirm evenly in response to the idea of poverty, and it's realities. Truth, this is a real issue that impacts lives everyday, so the idea of prosperity is quite refreshing. Advancement in finances and ways of living is quite attractive. Though, this is still not the argument been refuted here. Rather, what does this advance in prosperity do to us as people. The idea to consider are the negative effects of Prosperity.

Based on this verse 11 of Deuteronomy 8, prosperity makes us "proud and has the tendency to make us forget The Lord our God." This is a well worth it thought to consider when we are tempted to be seduced to adopt the mainstream and secular definition and methodology of being prosperous. We cannot be so focused on the relief that money brings that we ignore the subtle seduction it present to be proud. and self observed. We must be sure that our objective to do well, to be prosperous as Christian is for the purposes of building the Kingdom of God. We must follow the truths of Matthew 6:33, " seek ye the Kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you". That is the goal of desiring a prosperous life, that through what God has blessed us with we become a blessing. That each time we look at the rags to riches in Christ status, we remember and are humbled at the knowledge that it is all belongs to God.


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